Online dating has changed the way individuals find potential relationships. Big data has made online dating more accurate and easier for users to narrow down the large pool of possible matches. Online dating sites provide a variety of services for a diverse set of people. There are sites for casual and longer term relationships depending on the user’s end goal. In addition to diverse sites, there are a variety of methods to establish matches.
Algorithms and machine learning are changing the way that big data is analyzed to find love. There are many online dating sites, and there are a wide array of algorithms being utilized to create the most accurate matches. In section 5.3.3, two different algorithms are discussed to illustrate the different uses of big data within online dating services. Some sites use big data to compare user’s online behaviors on social media, while others use big data to analyze action within the particular website including choosing a television show and buying a certain brand or sneakers. Despite of attempts to improve their matching services by using multiple source of big data, the effectiveness of matching of online dating services is still being debated. Big data overcomes human error by using algorithms that focuses on the user’s choices online on the top of questionnaire answers.
Overall, online dating adds a new element to the dating world that can seem complex and difficult to maneuver at first. In fact, after the questionnaire and profile has been finalized by a user, big data algorithms do most of the leg work to find the perfect match. Big data has drastically changed the way that singles find successful and lasting relationships.