
I. Opening

  • Ask how many people have dogs.
  • Talk about my experience with my dog

II. Body

A.  History about dogs

  • Dogs have different meanings across cultures
  • Uses of dogs
  • Symbolizes in dogs breeds
  • When people think about dogs today they tend to symbolize loyalty and friendship.

B. The Sense of Responsibility we feel towards dogs

  • We don’t let them starve.
  • We take them into homes and expect them to do nothing and basically be a parasite but they are cute and lovable so it’s okay.
  • We create whole parks for them.

C. Dogs are civic

  • service dogs
    • Uses for Service dogs
  • Creating communities around dogs
    • Dog parks
    • Personal experience
    • Obedience classes

III. Conclusion

  • Dogs today represent friendship and unbreakable bonds.
  • Summary of statements
  • “I love my dog”


Note I intend to have a picture or pictures of my dog present.

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