Index Crimes, What are they?

Index crimes are crimes tracked by the FBI to produce the Annual Crime Index otherwise known as the Uniform Crime report. It is said they got their name because the FBI used to write the crimes down on index cards to file them away when keeping records. There are part 1 index crimes and part 2 index crimes in the Annual Crime report but only Part ones are considered index crimes. In part 1 they are broken down into in categories: violent crime and non property crimes. Violent crimes include: Aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery. Robbery should not be confused with Burglary. Burglary, in most places in the US, is an unlaw entering of a structure or property with the intention to remove something from the property. This doesn’t have to involve anyone other than the thief. Robbery is when forced is used or someone is threatened. Therefore robbery requires two parties: a preparatory and a victim.


Property crimes are Arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Together with the Violent crimes they are the index crimes. These crimes get reported from police departments all over the country to the FBI every month and every year the FBI makes an Annual Crime Report. The FBI then keep track of which ones are closed, appealed, ect. Index crimes tend to be taken more seriously by police departments all over the country compared to non index crimes such as sex offences and drug offenses. While these other crimes also get reported to the FBI for some reason they take a back seat to the other crimes.


Part two crimes are: simple assaults, curfew offense, and loitering, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting, disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, drug offenses, fraud, gambling, liquor offenses, offenses against the family, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property, vandalism, vagrancy, and weapons offenses. These crimes are normally not taken with the same gravity as Part 1 crimes but are still required to be on the Annual Crime Report.


If you want to look at your own city or state index crime report you can do so on the FBI’s Website. This report can often lead to property values rising or lowering due to the report often showing how many cases are solved and what crimes were committed/reported where. This makes it a great tool for looking at places that you are thinking about moving. If you want to know how dangerous a place is you can look up the city or country Annual Crime Report to see what was reported and if the case was closed or not. Do be warned though it can be disturbing to know what types and what percent of crimes where committed in the victim’s own home.

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