A Pirate Queen

William and Marry had a child named Anne. William was not married to Marry and so they were ostracized by their town. So they left their little Irish town and moved to South Carolina. Her mother died when she was 13 and Anne developed a temper. William tried to get Anne married. Anne didn’t listen and got married to a penniless sailor. Anne’s father disowned her and the couple set off to the Caribbean, a Pirate hot spot.


Anne’s husband, John Bonnie, hunted pirate all the time. This left Anne all alone on the shore. She soon came to enjoy the company of pirates. She grew bored of her husband and his absences. She soon met Captain Calico Jack, one of the dashing pirates of the era. Jack asked John to devoiced Anne. John refused and Anne left him anyways for Jack. Anne became a pirate.


After going to Cuba to give birth Jack’s child Anne and Jack stole a ship. Anne had to dress up at as a man as woman were seen as bad luck on a ship at sea. She also killed anyone who raised an objection. Soon another woman Mary Reed, joined the crew. Historians speculated the two were romantically involved.


In 1720 a pirate hunter cornered Calico Jack and the crew. They started to fight but most of the crew as black out drunk. So Anne and Mary fought with Jack. When Jack ordered the crew to surrender Marry and Anne refused to surrender.


Once caught both of the woman were found guilty. However there sentences where delayed due to both of the being pregnant. Mary died of fever in prison but Anne was released later. She gave birth to eight more childern before dying at the age of 80.

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