Being so Rich You Crash the Egyptian Economy

Mansa Musa was the richest dude to live. Technically he wasn’t a king but he also was. Mansa was the title for the king of Mali. You see Musa was the chief and most trusted advisor to the king, however the king had an obsession with finding out what was on the other side of the Atlantic ocean and took a trip to find out. He put Musa in charge and never came back.


Mansa Musa was insanely rich. He was very rich to start off with but then he used his smarts to redo the tax system in the Mali Empire and gain even more wealth. He was so wealthy that when he went on the Haji, a Muslim pilgrimage, he brought thousands of slaves and soldiers, each carrying golden rods and dressed in fine silks, his favorite wife brought 300 servants, and brought hundreds of camels each carrying around 300lbs of gold. Every Friday he built a new Mosque to worship.

It is said that his wife told him that he missed her nightly swim in the Niger river. Mansa Musa then BUILT A SWIMMING POOL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SAHARA DESERT. She used it once.

Mansa Musa then went to Egypt. The Sultan of Egypt invited Mansa Musa to visit him. Mansa Musa then stayed for three months. He gave away SO MUCH GOLD. He spent so much gold that it upended the Economy and reduced the value of gold by about 25%. This is called hyperinflation, hyperinflation is one of the worst things you can do for an economy. Mansa Musa then tried to fix by borrow more gold which fixed it, until he got back home and repaid the debts, which added more gold to the economy and ruined the Egyptian economy, again.

Well, Egypt was connected to other countries and the crashing the Egyptian economy crashed the economy on Saudi Arabia and in Europe. So yeah, this dude was so rich and spent to so much money that the world had to take a second to process all of it.

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