T-Shirt Brand Logical?: Come and Take it logo

Violence that involves firearms has been growing in the United States, and this is with the harsh regulation of firearms in several states. For instance, California has some of the strictist gun laws in the country, yet they still have an obscene amount of firearm violence.

This has led many gun-lovers to fashion a logo that supports their counter-movement to the war against guns. One very popular logo is Come and Take It (Seen below)

Image Credit: Amazon

This logo clearly means that the government would have to go and phyiscally take the firearms out of the hands of the citizens. It is meant as a symbol not of rebellion, but one that bolsters the citizens constitutional right to bear arms, as outlined by the 2nd amendment.

Immediately, one should recognize that this is primarily for a Conservative/Republican person. It clearly defines the ideological line between gun owners and non-gun owners, and statistically, more gun owners are Republican than Democratic, displaying why this shirt is geared towards the Republican/Conservative Ideology.

This then bleeds into the commonplace about guns, and that most Republicans cherish their firearm right, not only to defend themselves from robbers, but defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

In my view, this logo works extremely well. To the informed eye, this shirt can represent an entire viewpoint about firearms. Not only is it short and rememberable, but it is appropriate in representing a significant faction within the United States.

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