Proxima Centauri B: Best Chance at Finding Life

Ever wonder if there could be life outside of earth? Most of us probably have, and we also wondered why we haven’t seen anything or anyone. Perhaps we are that planet, or maybe aliens don’t exist in general. Whatever the case may be, it is important to understand what makes our planet suitable for life, to begin to try and search for others.

Earth is habitable because it is in the Goldilocks zone. This means that it is neither too close or too far from the sun, allowing for our temperature to be just right, not freezing cold, and not scolding hot. Not many other exoplanets have this feature. In addition to being in the Goldilocks zone, Earth has an atmosphere that protects its occupants from UV rays that would severely burn your skin. Finally, Earth has the key ingredient for life, water. Without water, in theory, there is no life.

Image Credit: NASA

So, when exploring planets out in the universe, have we found some in the habitable zone and with water?

The answer to that question is inconclusive. We have found planets that potentially have or had water, for instance, Mars, but we can’t be 100% certain until a team of robots or astronauts get onto the planet and search for clues and answers.

We have however found only a few planets within their respective habitable zone.

Perhaps the most popular planet is Proxima Centauri B.

Image Credit: Forbes

It was first found by Mikko Tuomi from the University of Hertfordshire, and then later confirmed by the European Southern Observatory.

An analysis of the planet showed that it was in the habitable zone, but had one major drawback, very powerful stellar winds tend to pass through. These winds are 2000 times greater than what we experience on Earth.

If this fact was pushed aside, and possibly resolved by human interaction, then it is possible that this planet is habitable. It is likely that there is some atmosphere left, which paves the way for possible liquid water to exist.

If this is true, the possibility for life to exist on that planet increases a little bit, and this has aroused scientists from across the world to invest in technology that can further scout out the planet.

This planet, Proxima Centauri B, provides a great amount of insight into the implications that other planets like Earth do exist. We aren’t an anomaly in our universe.

With the future uncertain, it is best to be hopeful that scientists will find more exoplanets capable of having the perfect conditions in the right location in space.

We Need to Colonize the Moon, Now!

The moon is our only celestial friend that we have physically visited. This was done on July 20th, 1969.

Image Credit: NASA

It is a rocky, half-dark, half-light area, that provides stability for the world’s tides, and offers spectacular light shows in the form of solar eclipses or full moons.

The moon, however, is undeniably a ball of matter held in by Earth’s graviational pull, and is approximately 240,000 miles away from Earth at any given point. This can have several implications for space travel, seen below.

The greatest implication for using the moon is utilizing it as a way station before astronauts depart on long hauls to distant planets. Not only would this help the astronauts adapt to the environment of space, but in the long run it would allow the spacecraft to refuel, resupply, and then redeploy to deeper parts of space. This may allow for a mission to be completed faster (explained below), and see better success than missions that don’t stop to resupply.

This could potentially also allow for missions to be completed faster than normal. This can be done by using the moon as a refueling station, and then using the moons gravitational pull to slingshot the spacecraft foward, faster, all while conserving more fuel. The math behind this is fairly simple.

enter image description here

Image Credit: Mathpages

This first equation is striaght foward, plug in the variables and get a faster speed(magnitude) represented by v subscript 2. The meanings of each variable:

v subscript 1 means the initial rocket speed

u means the orbital velocity

Theta(θ) means the angle to the moon (In this example)

When you solve this particular equation, you get the speed at which the vessel would travel after the slingshot around the moon.

A second equation would have to be used to determine the angle for turning:

𝛿=2sin superscript1 x (1/1+(𝑟subscript 𝑝 x 𝑣 superscript2 subscript∞/𝜇))

This equation isn’t complicated either, and the variables are as follows:


/= division

r= radius

v=velocity of craft

µ= Mu or the coefficient of friction

p= a variable dependent on the situation and equation, here, it typically represents the positioning between the radius and the spacecraft, but this varies by scientist. (Essentially a point in space relative to the radius, but again, it varies by scientist and application)

This all may seem confusing, but it is crucial to determine the best area to get out of the gravity entrapment from the moon to actually have a speed benefit.

Image Credit: John Hopkins University

Once this is calculated and accomplished, it is fairly easy to coast the solar system searching for various interests, all while conserving fuel.

None of this would be possible, however, without the use of the moon as a way station. It is crucial this occurs so interplanetary travel can occur and we as a species can explore the universe. Therefore, colonizing the moon as soon as possible would benefit space travel exponentially more than if were to start colonizing it in later years.

Dyson Spheres and their Implications

What is a Dyson Sphere, why is it relevant, and what does it imply? All of these questions will be answered in this comprehensive guide to solving this technological marvel, and it may even solve our global energy needs.

It is first important to understand what a Dyson Sphere is. A Dyson Sphere is a mega structure created by a technologically advanced civilization that harnesses close to the full energy output of their sun. This is done by encasing the star in a sphere to absorb its energy and then convert that energy into a usable fuel. This term was coined by Freeman Dyson, a renowned physicist and professor.

A Dyson Sphere is relevant to today, because it has the potential to solve all of our energy needs. It means that we would be harnessing close to 100% of the suns energy. Below is a model of what a potential Dyson Sphere may look like.

Image Credit: Popular Mechanics

How advanced does a civilization have to be in order to make one?

There is a scale that measures how advanced a civilization is. This scale is called the Kardashev Scale, and separates civilizations into three different types: Type 1, 2, and 3.

A type one civilization can harness all of the available energy on its own planet. This means that all of the wind and solar energy that comes to earth or is produced by earth, would be harnessed.

A type two civilization can harness all of the energy its parent star produces. This means that humans would be able to harness the energy directly from the sun, and send it back to earth for use.

A type three civilization can harness the energy of its entire galaxy. This means that humans would have to harness all of the energy the Milky Way produces.

Image Credit: PicBear

Currently, humans are at a Type 0 civilization. Our current standing is around .7 on the scale.

There is one star that hints at a Type 2 civilization, and it is called KIC 8462852. This star was being observed by Tabetha S. Boyajian (Check out her Ted Talk) whilst she was in the Kepler Telescope, which is why the star is also named Tabby’s Star. This star has had unusual light curves, which is almost never observed by scientists.

This references to a potential alien civilization that is advanced enough to build a mega structure around its sun to gain its full energy.

What are the implications for humans?

The implication of the Dyson Sphere is that it represents being able to solve the world’s energy issues. Having the ability to harness the power of the sun, would open up plenty of avenues for an increase in technology use.

Overall, the implementation of a Dyson Sphere would result in zero energy issues for earth in its current state. It would also imply that the human civilization has advanced exponentially in terms of technology.

Hopefully, within the next few hundred years we will register on the Kardashev Scale, and create legitimate change in our solar system.

What is light speed travel and is it possible?

Throughout our cinema history, films revolving around the theme of space generally included light speed travel. For instance, in StarWars, the hyperdrive would blast the space goers into light speed. Unfortunately, however, to the dismay of many interested viewers, light speed is theoretically impossible. I say theoretically because, although there is the science to back up why it is impossible, we haven’t tested it yet. Without testing, it is unscientific to be extremely conclusive about the topic. So, what makes this feat theoretically impossible?

Image Credit: Aspen Science Center

The infographic above gives a fairly strong and accurate outline of what the theory of relativity is, but I will explain it below.

The theory of relativity, created by Albert Einstein, is really two theories combined into one. The first theory is the theory of general relativity. This theory states that space and time are together, creating the space-time continuum. It also states that there is a curve in space, created by planets, stars and other masses. This is important because the second half of the theory has to do with acceleration.

Image Credit: NASA

The theory of special relativity, also created by Einstein, states that the laws of physics

“are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers.”

-Nola Taylor Redd

This means that for people not accelerating, for instance those on earth, they will experience the same principles of physics that have been laid down for centuries. The second half’s implication means that the speed of light cannot change and cannot be broken.

Most would ask why this is the case, why can’t we travel faster than the speed of light?

Essentially, light speed travel is theoretically impossible because a light photon travels at about 186,000 miles per second. This then implies that the speed in miles per hour is 671,000,000mph. This is insanely fast, for instance, it would take on average, roughly 8 minutes to get to the sun from earth. So, why can’t we reach the speed of light?

The objects that move at the speed of light are light photons. They are essentially weightless particles, and in the vacuum of space, they can travel extremely fast. So fast in fact, that they get bigger and bigger in mass. These photons get bigger and bigger, because the more energy they get by going faster, goes into the photon. Since they are getting bigger and bigger, and continue to travel at light speed, time becomes irrelevant to them. This is because time is different to the observer, and traveling at that fast of a speed, makes it seem to us on earth that they have literally outrun time (Yes, this is possible)

This time effect, is called time dialation. This has been proven with satalites, and how the bend of gravity and the speed at which they are traveling, causes them to gain time.

With this information, it is clear that nearing light speed will be theoretically impossible. So, if we can’t reach light speed, can we come close?

Yes, we can come close to light speed, we just can’t obtain it. Several scientists and organizations have been working tirelessly to get an answer, and one solution is with Breakthrough Starshot Initiative.

This organization plans on using a high powered laser to launch tiny probes with sails on them towards a planet that closely resembles earths structure. These probes would reach up to 20% of light speed. This idea would cost roughly $10 billion, and may take 20 years of planning and designing, and then another 25 years for the device to actually reach the planet. So, for now we will have to wait.

What are the implications and why was this important?

The implications are that we will not be able to travel using light speed, and this makes traversing the galaxy very time consuming.

It is important to review the concept of why light speed travel is theoretically impossible, because it will help understand the size of the universe, and show that simply beaming around to other planets isn’t possible.