Parks and Recreations is a great comedy television show, which follows the lives of the parks and recreation department of the local government of Pawnee, Indiana. One character they follow in specific in the show is Leslie Knope, played by comedian Amy Poehler. In the show, Leslie starts as a director in the parks department where she is constantly trying to fix problems and go above and beyond for what is required for her job. While her coworkers may think that she is being very extra sometimes, they know that she means well and always has the best intentions for them, the government, and the citizens of Pawnee. Since her childhood, Leslie has wanted to serve in her government, and being in the parks department has allowed her to accomplish that, but her determination to make the government would be limited in the parks department. That is why she tries her best to gain positions higher up in the government. However, the citizens of Pawnee and the current government officials can be very sexist and outdated to the times. That is why they do not like it when Leslie tries to come in with new progressive ideas to change the government for the better.
One of my favorite characters in the show is Tom Haverford, played by Aziz Ansari. Tom also starts out working in the Parks and Recreation department, but he is never really interested in the work there. He always had a passion to start a business of his own, because he is one of the most creative people that you will ever meet. Tom’s first business venture was a store called Rent-A-Swag where teens could rent out expensive stylish clothing for however long they wanted without making their parents buy the expensive items of clothing. While the business failed, in the end, it did not stop Tom from pursuing his passion for business as he eventually opens up an Italian restaurant as well. One of the things that I like most about Tom is that he is very quirky and always coming up with a new comedic spin for the show.
All of the characters in Parks and Recreations develop a lot over the years as they all spread their roots outside of the department. Everyone in the show gets to finally do something that they are passionate about. If you wanna see a friend group that blossoms into some great people individually the show is a must-watch.