Crayfish Dissection


The purpose of this lab activity is to help you learn the anatomy of a crayfish and give you a better understanding of the anatomy of invertebrate animals in general.

After completing this dissection, you should be able to:

  • Correctly identify the locations involved in the dissection procedures, and
  • Correctly identify the locations of the major organs within the body of a crayfish.


  • Preserved crayfish
  • Dissection Pan
  • Dissection kit
    • Scalpel
    • Forceps
    • Scissors
    • Dissecting Pins
    • Probes

Table of Contents

  1. Setup for the Dissection
  2. External Anatomy
    1. Head
    2. Cephalothorax
    3. Abdomen
    4. Rostrum
    5. Carapce
    6. Compound Eyes
    7. Antennules
    8. Antennae
    9. Walking Legs
    10. Cheliped
    11. Swimmerets
    12. Telson
    13. Uropod
    14. Mouth
  3. Respiratory System
    1. Gills
  4. Muscle System
    1. Extensor
    2. Flexor
  5. Nervous System
    1. Brain
  6. Circulatory System
    1. Heart
  7. Digestive and Excretory System
    1. Esophagus
    2. Stomach
    3. Intestine
    4. Anus
    5. Green Gland
  8. Male Anatomy
    1. Testes
  9. Female Anatomy
    1. Ovaries
  10. Cleanup
    1. Disposal of crayfish
    2. Clean equipment