Digestive System
Step 1
Identify the esophagus, a very short connection between the mouth and the stomach. Lift the left liver lobe, and identify the stomach, which is whitish and J-shaped. The stomach connects with the esophagus anteriorly and with the small intestine posteriorly.
Step 2
Find the small intestine and the large intestine, which enters the cloaca. The cloaca lies beneath the pubic bone and is a general receptacle for the intestine, the reproductive system, and the urinary system. It opens to the outside by way of the anus. Trace the path of food in the digestive tract from the mouth to the cloaca.
Step 3
As you lift the small intestine you will see the pancreas, a thin, yellowish ribbon, between the small intestine and the stomach.
Step 4
Locate the fat bodies near the stomach.