A Gym Odyssey – A New Beginning
10 weeks ago, I embarked on a fitness journey, not a clue what was ahead of me. Before then, I wanted to work out to not only build physical strength, but mental strength as well. However, for about a year, I made countless excuses as to why I couldn’t hit the weights consistently. I never had enough time, I didn’t have the right equipment, and I didn’t want to be sore for my high school sports. But, as we started our blog assignments 10 weeks ago, I saw the perfect opportunity to dispel all those excuses and finally make a firm commitment to the gym. I now live just a short walk from the IM building which has all the gym equipment I could ever need, and the blogs would help keep me accountable during this 10-week journey. Furthermore, I felt like my position as a novice would allow me to share a unique perspective to my readers, and possibly encourage others to start their own fitness journeys. Thus, the purpose of this blog was twofold: To push me to stay on a consistent gym routine and to provide insight to my readers on the experience of a new gym goer.
Over the past 10 weeks, I’ve attempted to pack all of my experiences into this blog. Reading back on some of my previous entries, I realize how much I’ve learned throughout this journey. Back at week one, I attempted to figure out all of weightlifting in one week. I set a workout split, devised a workout schedule, and recruited a workout partner. Little did I realize that nothing would ever go to plan. Schoolwork and exams constantly interfered with my planning, my sleep hygiene and food intake were lackluster, and I really didn’t know what I was doing in the weightroom. Yet, as with starting anything new, there are going to be challenges and struggles. What matters most is how you respond to them. I believe discovering the ability to adapt, improve, and persist is the biggest takeaway from this blog, and hopefully my readers would agree.
Looking back, not only did I learn many valuable lessons, but I also feel like I’ve progressed in terms of both physical and mental strength. Although progress in the gym is slow and my physique hasn’t noticeably improved visually, I’ve definitely gotten much stronger. Furthermore, I can’t help but think that my mental fortitude has improved as well. I’ve become more motivated to go to the gym each day, but also more motivated to study, be productive, and pursue long-term goals.
So, what does the future hold for my Gym Odyssey? I view the end of these blogs as a new beginning. Although I know there are still challenges ahead, I now enter the world of weightlifting with transformed knowledge and experience to aid my pursuits. I plan to carry on with my same gym routine and seek progress. As for my readers, thank you for following along. I hope my entries provided insight into the world of a new gym goer. For anyone who is looking to embark on a Gym Odyssey themselves, I hope this blog provided helpful insight.
Richard Black
The most important thing while being at Penn State is your education. Therefore, any progress in the gym being halted because of schoolwork is what one could consider a necessary evil. However, learning how to balance all these different aspects of your life is the true lesson learned through this journey you’ve had.
Regarding not seeing much physical progress, it is important to remember that what we see in the mirror can be very misleading. You may have had more muscular gains than you realize. Given how early you are into your fitness journey, you will see the most physical progress in your first year or two. That being said, the physical progress is going to be made, simply trust the process.
I wish you the best in your future endeavors in the gym!
Nick H.