My Tall Life: An Intro to Being Tall

Hello everyone and welcome back!!

The theme of this semester’s blog is very different from last semester. Last semester, we talked about the wonders of the world and travelling. However, this semester will be more reflective of my daily life, and some problems that I encounter quite often due to one thing: my height.

Yes, it is well known that I am a very tall person. Currently, I stand a whooping 6 feet 7 inches in my bare feet. Unlike most people, I tell my height without shoes, so I’m probably even a little taller when you see me. As of the time this is published, I am still growing, but luckily it is not as fast as I used to grow. Many people believe that there are NO negatives to being tall; however, this is very wrong. So, let me provide a little insight on what it is like to be a living giant.

Now, even though I am tall, I feel like a regular person. And, I am a regular person for the most part. But, the peering eye of others looking at my every move is one of the hardest things to forget about. Everywhere, I go I have people staring at me. Whether it is discrete or clear as daylight, I’m not blind, and I can see their eyes actively scanning my height.

It is a weird feeling. It is almost that I am constantly being admired by those that look at me. I commonly get head nods of approval. But, I don’t know what this nod of approval means because I have not proved anything about myself. They simply are judging a book by its cover. And, I don’t like this.

I grew up with the belief that you should never judge a book by its cover. I constantly learned this lesson for my parents, my teachers, and even my own experiences. I make it my goal to get to know something or someone before I come to any conclusions. I don’t judge a thing or someone by their “cover.” So, it is difficult for me to experience the very thing that I work against. Now, it does feel good to get this acknowledgement and/or approval; however, I know that it is superficial, so I really don’t let it have an impact in my life.

Even though I don’t really enjoy all the wondering eyes, I try to have some fun with it sometimes. Commonly, I like to let the staring people think that I can’t see them. Then, I look over fast and meet their stare which makes them jump back. Or, I like to wear sunglasses that don’t show my eyes because then I can see everyone that stares at me without scaring them off. I can see people staring at me for a second or for as long a minute. It is truly an interesting thing to observe.

Overall, I’m very excited to share stories about “My Tall Life.” I really think that I have some funny and interesting stories that will shed some light into my daily life. To give an idea about what is coming up, let me share some topics that I will be talking about in future blog posts: my height in other countries, common questions that I get, how my height has made me social, sports, transportation, and much more. Nonetheless, I can’t wait to share more, and I hope you all enjoyed.

  –   Mr. Too Tall Jones

8 thoughts on “My Tall Life: An Intro to Being Tall

  1. Blake,

    I’m very excited to read more of your blog! Being your friend, I have noticed that you are a very tall person. In my eyes, since I am kind of short, I see this as a blessing and benefit to you. Since you are tall, people will look at you and acknowledge you. However, I am often overlooked…literally, and in conversation. It’s interesting that something as simple as height can make such a big difference in social standing and social interactions.

    I’m looking forward to reading more about your topic.

  2. I have to admit that one of the first things I noticed when walking into this class was how tall you are. I come from a tall family, having cousins that are 6’9”, 6’7”, and the shortest being my dad and uncles at 6’0” and 6’1”. I used to be really tall when I was younger so I know what you are talking about when you say people stare. I’m not sure exactly how tall I was in elementary school but I know I was way taller than all my friends, always being the second tallest kid in my class and really close in height to all my female teachers. I haven’t grown since 6th grade, I think, so I have been 5’4” since the beginning of middle school. Can’t wait to hear about your funny tall stories.

  3. Wow, I remember we spoke about this earlier last week over lunch and I had no idea you would actually turn it into the topic for your passion blog. I am actually very happy you did this because it allows a topic many people have probably pondered, such as your height, to be better understood from your perspective. Your incorporation of travel as one of your topics has made me very interested to learn more about the places you have journeyed to. Keep up the great work Blake and I can not wait to see more!

  4. To be honest now I want to be that tall. I agree with mfr5368, I actually noticed how tall you were first.
    Growing up I felt that I was too tall for a girl, specifically in Costa Rica, the average height for women is 5’2 and men 5’5.

  5. 5’6″ person comment on how no one is ever gonna exceed 9ft in society is ridiculous if i was 6’7″ i probably would have a hard time just taking the bus? :/ can u live to 100? at that height it depends just take of yourself.

  6. I’m 15 and I’m 6’2. I think I would be anywhere from 6’5 to 6’8 when fully grown. I’ve always been a tall kid; I’m second tallest in my School. I’m head and shoulders taller than most of them. But even if you aren’t tall, it doesn’t define who you are. Thanks Blake G for this awesome article 🥳💯

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