The Basics of League

Welcome to my League of Legends Top tutorial blog!

Before I jump into any champions or strategies of Top lane, I will first be explaining the basics of League of Legends and the terminology of League of Legends and Top lane, that is what this post will be about.

So what is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) where two teams of five fight to destroy each others base’s Nexus. There are five different roles that each player can choose, Top Lane, Jungler, Middle Lane, Attack Damage Carry, and Support. After selecting a role, the player must then choose a champion to play as. Each champion has powers and weaknesses that usually put them into sub-groups of champions.

Terminology and the Basics

Ok, if you’ve never really played League of Legends then that brief description may not of the easiest thing to understand.

To help, here is some terminology.

General Info:

  • Basics
    • League
      • when referring to  League of Legends, I say League
    • The Nexus
      Red side nexus protected by two nexus towers
      • the point of League is to destroy the enemies nexus, guarded by turrets and inhibitors
        • inhibitors must be destroyed to kill the nexus
    • Champions
      • abbreviated as champ/s
      • over 100 unique champs to choose from
      • each champ can auto attack which deals Attack Damage
      • each champ has four abilities they can use
        • can deal Attack Damage or Magic Damage
    • Sides
      • The below map, called Summoners Rift it the arena in which you play
      • depending on which side you’re given, you will be red or blue
        Summoners Rift [PLEASE CLICK FOR DETAIL}
    • Turrets
      Red side turret
      • there are 11 of these on each side of the map, 22 in all
      • 2 in each lane, 1 at each inhibitor, 2 at the nexus
      • Attacks enemies
    • Minions
      The color of the minion depends on which side it represents
      • each team gets minions that constantly push lanes
      • they spawn identically so if left alone will get nothing done at all
    • Ward
      • these allow you to have vision of an area for about 3 minutes at a time
      • they turn invisible after being placed
      • there is a permanent variant that doesn’t disappear but doesn’t turn invisible
    • Damage types
      • attack damage, abbreviated as AD
      • Ability Power, abbreviated as AP
      • true damage
    • Resources
      HUD, containing the champ portrait, abilities, health, resource, items, and summoner spells
      • Health
        •  what every champ has when their health goes to zero they die
      • Mana
        • most champs use this to use abilities
        • regens slowly
        • the amount held can be upgraded by items
      • Energy
        • used by a select few champions
        • regens quickly without the need for items
      • None
        • some champs don’t require a resource to use abilities
  • Each role previously mentioned has shorter ways of addressing them
    • Top (top Laner)
    • Jgl (Jungler)
    • Mid (Middle Laner)
    • Adc (Attack Damage Carry)
    • Sup (Support)
  • Sub-Groups, These are the groups that most champions in the game fall under
    • Tank
    • Assassin
    • Mage
    • Marksman
    • Fighter
      • Juggernaut (a fighter with good tank stats)
    • Support
  • Crowd Control, abbreviated to CC
    • Knockup
    • Stun
    • Root
    • knockback
    • pull
    • fear
    • and a few more too specific too mention here
  • Jungle
    • Filled with neutral monsters everyone can attack
    • on each side of the map lies an Epic monster, these are:
      • the elemental drakes found on the lower side of the map
        • RNG decides what buff these dragons give the team that kills it
          • fire – damage
          • water – health/mana regen
          • mountain – structure damage
          • air – bonus movement speed
      • the Baron Nashor found on the upper side of the map
        • spawns at 20 minutes
        • provides its own powerful buff which is lost on death
          • powers up minions near champs with the buff
          • faster back
          • bonus damage
      • Rift Herald
        • before Baron spawns, the Rift Herald will sit in Baron’s pit
        • when killed drops its eye which can be picked up to replace the ward slot
          • when activated will find the closest turret and ram it, doing massive damage
  • Summoner Spells
    The icons for each relevant Summoner Spell
    • Flash
      • a short blink
    • Ghost
      • brief burst of movement speed
    • Heal
      • grants a small amount of health and movement speed
    • Cleanse
      • Removes CC effects
    • Teleport
      • shortened to TP
      • Choose any turret, ward, or minion to, after a short channel, teleport to
    • Ignite
      • select an enemy champ to set on fire
      • does true damage for a short amount of time
        •  this damage scales as the game goes longer
    • Exhaust
      • select an enemy champ to slow their movement speed and attack speed
    • Barrier
      • create a small shield for a short amount of time
    • Smite
      • this spell is used by the Jungler
      • does a large amount of true damage to a jungle monster

These are the basics of League. I understand that this is a lot to take in at once, I’m just introducing these terms to make the subsequent posts easier to decipher.

Next time I will be talking about my favorite champ, Darius.

2 thoughts on “The Basics of League

  1. This was a very informative first post. I like how you organized the information so that it wasn’t so overwhelming to the eye. The pictures also helped with the explanation because it seems like a pretty involved and complicated game. It is also good to have this post to refer to when reading your next posts. Hopefully there will be some review of terms used in your next posts.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog about League of Legends! Having never heard of it before, I found your post very informative and organized. The pictures were very helpful in understanding the different aspects of the game. It seems like there is a lot to this game but you presented it in a less overwhelming way. I’ll be very interested to see what you post next!

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