Season 9 League of Legends Start – Thoughts

Image result for ranked season 9I’m not going in-depth to any champs or mechanics for this first returning post, I just wanted to express how I feel about the game right now.

This post comes just as the 2019 League competitive season begins, with preseason-sized changes seemingly unendingly being released. I’m very much into the game and scene of League still but I’ve never been one to follow the technical aspects of it that closely. Despite this, I can understand the gripes of other players, many of which are my friends, about how the changes being made are dumb. Top seems to be going strong though, I haven’t gotten any rotten match-ups aside from the rare annoying Vayne. I also have been perma-banning Jax because that champion is downright busted.

This season also brings ranks based off of the position you play, not one that envelopes all. Personally, I hope to reach above average rank in the Top Lane and at least average ranks for the other positions, if I play them that is. I’m very much looking forward to the new season ahead of me and I should return next post with a exploration into the new champ: Sylas!

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