This story begins with yet another person I have had the pleasure to meet through the German exchange with my high school and a high school in Buxtehude, Germany. Talking about Amelie is one of the easiest things for me because of the fact that I still talk with her on a weekly basis. Amelie is one of the sweetest people I know, and that is saying a lot because she is from Germany. I am totally kidding, sorry Amelie, I know you will be reading this.
Connections can be made anywhere, even if there is a language barrier. Amelie made this possible through her amazing English skills. When she came to the United States for the exchange trip, she was housed with one of my good friends named Genevieve. This is how I got to break the ice with Amelie, and from there we were friends. Sometimes it takes a while for me to open up to people, but for whatever reason, it was almost immediately. Our personalities are synced. Over the month that she had been in the states, at the end we had known pretty much everything about each other. I did not even experience that connection with my own German exchange student that was living in my house. We had come from completely different backgrounds and made such a lasting connection with each other has always amazed me. When she left, my heart was torn for people you make that true connection with are sometimes very hard to come by. The next summer I went over to Germany and experienced some things that 18-year-olds do over there with her.
Amelie is now taking a gap year in which she is writing music and figuring out what she wants to do with the rest of her life. I know she will be bound for greatness and will succeed in every way. I am so excited to see her again. I know this blog was a rant about my friend, but I don’t even care because I will take any opportunity to shout the connection we have from the rooftops.
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