Thursday Thought: Media News Item Summary

Republicans Shouldn’t Get a Pass on Climate 

By Mark Hertsgaard; July 27, 2022


This recent media report regards the words of Antonio Guterres and his concern for our future due to the severity of climate change. Guterres claims: “We have a choice, collective actions or collective suicide.” Decades ago, the republican party voted against climate action and refused to believe that humans are the main cause of climate change. Congressional Republicans have declined every major legislative measure to fight climate change. This article also touches on how Joe Manchin is receiving nasty press because he sabotaged Biden’s climate program, and killed the Build Back Better climate bill. Today, republicans pay no price for scorching the planet, most political figures simply accept the climate crisis as an “immutable fact of life”, and not worth talking about. 

This graph illustrates the comparison of concern from Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between regarding Global Warming.



This philosophy could not be farther from the truth. However, there is still time for correction in the upcoming elections. In upcoming weeks, climate activists and Democratic politicians can help and persuade the public to understand the stakes and the severe danger we are in. The question at hand is whether the world’s largest economy and most powerful nation will do its part in slowing the climate apocalypse. This type of media is absolutely necessary for the public to see, read, understand, and act on. Through the spread of media, and upcoming elections, it is critical that our society understands the harsh realities of the climate crisis.


According to Nasa Global Climate Change the damage the human race has committed on our earth is irreversible, and the planet will continue to warm. It is claimed that there will be more wildfires, longer drought periods, an increase in intensity of tropical storms, and much more. “Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the new damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.” (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) This scientific information and hypothesis is extremely discouraging. We can only hope that the people that genuinely care about the future of this planet will save us. 


Jackson, Randall, 2022. The Effects of Climate Change. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.

Hertsgaard, M., 2022. Republicans shouldn’t get a pass on climate. Columbia Journalism Review.

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