Dear Senior Me

Dear Senior Me, 

You’ve finally made it, and I’m sure it wasn’t easy. All the sleepless study nights, procrastination, failed or passed exams are behind you now, and you can only move forward. You have reached the next chapter of your life, and all I can say is enjoy every moment because it goes by in an instant. 

Currently, you are in the LEAP Summer Session in 2022, an incoming freshman in the fall. You have met some of the best people along these short 6 weeks. I can’t imagine how much you will flourish in these 4 upcoming years. It seems like a long time, but it will fly by, so be present in every moment. I am excited for your future and what you will accomplish during this journey. I hope you achieve what you strive to be. How many times did you switch your major? What did you end up with? I have so many questions that will only be answered when I meet you again in 4 years. I hope you make the mistakes necessary in order to learn, but also experience the good and the bad. I hope you prove the professor who didn’t believe in you wrong after you passed your exam. 

As a senior looking back at your college experience, it’s going to feel like you have the whole world in your hands, and that’s terrifying. The people that are stuck by your side have their own brand new journey, as do you. After you graduate, and throughout your experience, you will realize the painful truth of who truly cares about you and who doesn’t. All you can do is enjoy your youth, cherish the memories, and believe in you. Congratulations Lil, you did it, and I’m so proud of you. 



Freshman Lilly

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