My First Semester As A Penn State Freshman!
In only a week and a half into summer session, I have already learned so many lessons and am still in the process of navigating college life. The intimidation of having so much freedom and so much responsibility is scary and so overwhelming, but it is also rewarding. To me, I like to think of it as growing into an adult, and finding myself. Also, if you fail, you pay.
On the 4th of July, I spent my day walking the entire campus, and trying to get my bearings. I also went to Meddler Field for the fireworks! When I applied for Penn State, I never looked into all the opportunities and activities there were throughout the year. Now that I’m here, I am so thankful that I get to experience what Alums rave about. These are the golden years, I’m trying my best to make everyday something to remember. I am beyond excited to see what the rest of this year brings.
I still am not sure of what I want to become, and I feel like an outsider as everyone else has a path of interest. I’ve gone between Biology, Criminology, Criminal Justice, Communications, to Nutrition, which is where I am now. Although, I have little to no idea what I would do with that degree. Maybe work with people to build meal plans? Dietitian? My mom started her fitness journey 6 years ago, and it greatly effected me and sparked interest. Now, I utilize my free time going to the IM building and walking around campus when I have nothing else to do. The food here is mediocre, but I’m definitely not starving. Bowls in the Findlay Commons is depleting my Lion Cash, worth it though.
My new found love is the Library, I’ve never seen such a beautiful building. Some rooms may be straight out of the 1860s, but that’s the charm. I go there just to have some time to myself, or to get all kinds of work out of the way. Writing is fun to me, so my time in the library goes relatively fast, and I leave feeling productive.
Here’s some pictures I got from the past week: