Tis’ But A Flesh Wound!

What could be better than a nice, super low budget creation, with comedy around every corner? I can honestly say, probably nothing. Actually, I take that back. Calculus will always be superior to all opposition. There’s just something special about those beautiful looking complex integrals! You know the ones… the ones that take you 40 minutes to actually do correctly. The ones where you’re mid midterm and realizing that half of your time is about to be spent on one question when you still have 6 to go! Yep, absolutely nothing beats that (except maybe chicken wings, but that’s for another time).

The point is, we can’t really afford to lock ourselves away for a few years to create a new way to solve problems. But what we can afford, is to watch some of the best low budget films to date. And would ya look at that! What is this blog all about! FINDING THE BEST FILMS OF ALL TIME!

So, don’t worry, you have safely ventured to the most magnificent part of the interweb and that is my delicious blog. Wow, I’m really dragging this out, aren’t I? Too bad you can’t talk through the computer otherwise this would be a lot more fun. It would be like when Freddie Mercury would do the “EYYYYYY OHHHH” and everyone would copy and sing it back. Without the playback, what the hell is the point, you know? Oh well, I guess I just have a boring audience…

Anywho, why don’t we get roooiiiggghhtt into the review!!

Have you ever been so blessed as to have stared upon the delectable $400,000 budget film that is Monty Python and The Holy Grail? If no (or yes, goodness not everything is about you reader!) then today will be quite a treat! From fame, to good ole slapstick humor, this movie truly has it all and not only that but it is able to capture and maintain its audience’s eyes for the entire 92 minutes of which it runs! IsN’t ThAt JuSt FaNtAsTiC!?!? Oh boy, every time I flip on the VHS (some of you post 2000-ers may not understand that reference <rolling eye face>) I practically collapse from pancreatic laughter. You heard that right, my pancreas literally starts laughing along with my mouth and let me tell you it is the most attractive feature on the market. Every boy or girl wants a boyfriend or girlfriend who has a laughing pancreas, it’s just natural.

You may be wondering about the cast of this amazing classic. However, I am refusing to say anymore than the MONTY PYTHON TROUPE because I think all of these boys deserve to be recognized as a whole. But goodness gracious the plot is unbelievable (if you can call it that). Arthur, King of the Britain’s, along with his knights of the round table, set out on a quest (Given by God) to find the legendary Holy Grail. Many obstacles stand in the way including death, black knights, and French soldiers all of whom wish to prolong the mighty search.

I know. I know! EPIC RIGHT!

Let me tell you though, I don’t think I have ever seen anything more stupidly funny than watching someone pretend their father is dead, so they can stop feeding him their rations. And when the dead body collector knocks the dad out so he can take him anyway, I think everyone watching dies a little. Aside from that, you don’t want to miss these wonderful knights clapping coconuts together to simulate horses or French soldiers protecting their castle by hurling cattle and chickens at the round table gang (yes that actually happens). STUPID RIGHT, but hey you literally get what you pay for lol, laugh out loud, rolling on the floor laughing, hahaha yeet #youonlyliveonce.

So, go to the basement/attic and dig out that VHS because you are going to need it (or you can go to Netflix I just like talking about my VHS player) and stream this flicky to your hearts contenty. With the help of killer decapitating bunnies and jokes about swallows I can promise that you will not feel any regrets at the end of the short 90 minutes. Besides, how could you not want to watch the main narrator get killed in the beginning of the film or witness sir Lancelot go on a rampage, absolutely decimating an entire kingdom to “save” what he thought was a damsel in distress. Very weird scene let me tell ya, but you won’t get to witness its glory until you feast your eyes upon this creation.

Don’t make me give you a flesh wound! And by flesh wound of course I mean first cutting your arm off then your second arm off followed by your right-side leg and ending with your left-side leg. Trust me, I may not be able to tell if it hurts you or not, but if you’re still standing after all that… Well… I guess we can just call it a draw.

Go forth my friends and find me thath shrubbery and maybe then we will truly be able to prepare for our attack on the kingdom that holds thath holiest of grailieth! If we are not arrested before then….

Until we meet again my fair incompetent knights!

Love your very caring,

Blogging Dog 😊


The Best Scenes:


One thought on “Tis’ But A Flesh Wound!

  1. This movie is hands down my all time favorite comedy. I’m impressed that you were able to even write a coherent post about a movie so nonsensical and stupid. I love all the references (though I feel you may have missed an opportunity for a “Get on with it!” reference in that third paragraph). This is definitely a movie that will both leave you laughing uncontrollably and leave you having learned a great deal about swallows (an unbeatable combo!)

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