Anyone In The Mood For A Desk Pop!?!

Every now and then you just gotta do it. You know what I’m talking about. When you’re staring over the edge of a building, watching military grade criminals get away on a zipline with a bag full of diamonds, and you just go for it. You get a running start and leap off the top of the building. Some may call this heroic, others may call it absolutely stupid, but I think that will have to be left up for you to decide. You see, every now and then a person is left with a choice, to be a hero, to chicken out, or to be completely dumb. Whether it’s deciding what type of shirt to wear, performing the infamous desk pop, or even wondering if you should eat the last churro or not, the options are always there. I’m sure you are already aware of this by now, but the option you should always select in these sticky situations is the dumb one. Why? Because it makes for a fantastic movie and movies feed my happiness! You wouldn’t want me to be sad now would you?

So why have I taken so long to get to today’s movie! Well, that’s an excellent question by myself, maybe next time you should try asking a question so this can be more fun! Anyway, excellent question to which I have no answer! Dontcha just h8 it wen dat happens?

Have you ever taken the time to really dwell on the movie, “The Other Guys?” You know the movie, the one with the two cops who are atrocious at fighting crime? Well, if not then this is the blog for you and one to surely make your dreams come true (Hardy har that rhymed)! Besides who would want to miss a blog on some of the most incredible actors of the time including names that will truly make your eyes bleed: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Samuel Jackson, and Eva Mendes. Wanna know the funniest part? Although cited as main characters, Johnson and Jackson (so close to Johnson and Johnson) only appear in the film for about ten minutes before they randomly jump off the top of a building, killing themselves instantly. Smart men if I do say so myself.

Now let me unravel this insanely obsessive plot for you. After the two most well-known and heroic cops kill themselves chasing military grade criminals (haha it all ties in now doesn’t it?), misfit partners, Terry and Allen, fight for their “rightful” place as the new faces of the force. However, their simple case turns out to be a lot bigger than they thought causing a multitude of challenges the duo must overcome if they hope to succeed in their remarkable quest.

Before we continue I’d like to take a quick moment to shout out a friend from high school. You see, the main villain in this movie is none other than the company Lendl Global and they had this wonderful jingle that I fell in love with. I can’t really sing it or find it online, but the words are, “Lendl Global we’re in everything!” Moral of the story is, every day I would sing this jingle to my friend countless times until he too had it memorized and was ready to kill me. It just goes to show kids, even the simple things can create hate. *UPDATE* I just found the jingle so its linked below!

Now back to our regular scheduled program. The movie is a spine twisting hour and fifty-six minutes long, but I promise you (as does the cover of this movie) you will be laughing you’re a** off the entire time. There are so many twisties and turnies in this movie that even if you are able to remove your glued eyes for a couple seconds you will miss some type of comedic appeal. For example, turning a Prius into a cop car, but that’s not all. After having your Prius get stolen by a bunch of mercenaries, imagine getting it back to find out a momma racoon gave birth on the floor, some guy took a dump in the driver’s seat, and a bunch of old homeless dudes had an orgy inside. What’s better is they even left a note that says, “thanks for the f shack, signed dirty mike and the boys.” If you were to watch this movie you may even learn some new phrases, like soup kitchen! Try looking that up on urban dictionary…

If you are not sold yet, what about having a wrestling match at a funeral to decide who will be the new top cops, or trying to interrogate a millionaire, but each time you get close he delays you by offering tickets to different plays, musicals, and sporting events. TO BE HONEST THOUGH, I would trade an interrogation for sitting courtside at the Knicks too… What’s more is that whenever Will Ferrell’s character walks by a girl, they constantly hit on him and flirt with him much to Wahlberg’s dismay.

Pretty epic am I right!? This movie even includes a hilariously cringe worthy scene where Ferrell and his wife have a back and forth sex conversation while using his wife’s mother as the message carrier.

God, I love this movie, and you will too the minute you see Bob get completely shut down every time he opens his mouth or Ferrell absolutely annihilate Wahlberg with straight facts. It’s great too because Wahlberg is trying to show dominance, going off on something about being a lion and swimming out into the ocean to catch a Will Ferrell tuna snack. But then Ferrell fights back, exclaiming that a large population of tuna will destroy the lion and then develop a breathing apparatus using kelp to go ashore and find out where the lion came from to kill off the rest of its population.

There’s too much of this movie to talk about and I know this blog is pretty long so let me just talk about one more thing. The desk pop! Everyone’s “done it” before so naturally it should be fun to convince Ferrell to try it out too. It’s great because these two cops come over and completely convince him that everyone does it at one point or another and they are confused why he has not yet. After doing it everyone goes crazy and pull out their guns. This is where instead of disciplining Ferrell, they just decide to take away his gun and replace it with wood. Obvious choice, I too would prefer a wooden gun over a metal one. Much sturdier I would say.

Alright my beautiful onlookers, I would say that is enough for today. I don’t know where you can find this, but it is a must watch. Pull it up anyway you can *cough* torrent it *cough* I don’t care just watch it and you will be blessed for the rest of your life. Enjoy your break friends and maybe try taking some of these movie references to heart so you can actually find something to do with your down time. Until next time my faithful readers!

Lastly, If you would like to join the Will Ferrell gang with my brother and I, just learn this song (found below) and message me so we can get together and work this out…

“I gave my love to Karen, she promised to be true. I went to war to come back to find five British soldiers. Have their way with her. It was consensual. And all their fathers were hanged and the children all got pink eye. While their Harry Potter books were burned…”

Love your very caring,

Blogging Dog 😊

Honestly this movie is just one giant combination of different funny scenes so you really have to watch to see all the good ones.

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