Rhetorical Analysis Introduction

Girls are hot. Guys are hot. Everyone is so hot! So I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream. But no one is hot enough to scream enough. Instead, we all give in to the damages of global warming. Through jokes with somber endings like these, advocates are warning of inescapable climate change and what effects it will have on our future. As the Earth warms each day, environmental activists are looking for ways to advocate for awareness sooner, and these artifacts quickly spread their message. While the issues of global warming are far more complex, these artifacts choose to simplify them so that they can appeal to a wider audience with quick consumption. The first artifact, a small sticker, uses commonplace and visual rhetoric with a dark joke to address the effect of global warming on people by using a very literal meaning. The second artifact, a digital poster featuring a melting Earth as ice cream, also employs commonplace with the pathos emotional appeal to address the issues of global warming and how harming it is to our planet. While they may look very different upon first glance, the two artifacts address the same issue by using similar techniques and rhetoric lenses, easily allowing for us as viewers to understand the true dangers of global warming.


Introduction- introduce the artifacts, say what they are

Artifact One- explain lenses of the artifact, how it relates to sustainable ideas

Artifact Two- explain lenses of the artifact, how it relates to sustainable ideas, how it differs from artifact one

Both Artifacts- compare and contrast their methods and goals

Conclusion- call to action, again connect artifacts to central sustainability ideas

36 Creative Global Warming Awareness Posters - HongkiatHot Guys Stickers for Sale | Redbubble

Images from honkiat and redbubble

2 Thoughts.

  1. I think you did a wonderful job integrating the new artifact into your elevator pitch hook. Overall I think this was a very good opening, simple, and to the point. I like how you chose easy-to-understand civic artifacts that could be capitalized on.

  2. Hi Shan! I love how you also incorporated your second artifact into the hook! The explanation about the purpose of quick but effective messages was excellent and was an excellent transition into your thesis. I liked that you gave a brief description of each artifact and then the lenses used. It’s also really interesting how you suggested that the two artifacts use similar techniques although they look different. This is definitely a great start, and I am excited to see where you take this!

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