Sustainability: The Future of Fashion♻️

“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy”

-Emma Watson

The fundamental focus of sustainability is protecting the natural resources of the earth and clothes that have been produced with consideration for the many environmental challenges the fashion industry struggles with. The use of recycled materials for textiles, the use of less water-intensive materials, and the production of high-quality, long-lasting products are a few examples of how companies can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. While the fast fashion business model carelessly produces carbon, sustainable fashion has a reduced carbon impact and actively aims to cut emissions. Brands seek to establish circular systems that make clothing totally recyclable after use, eliminating the need to produce virgin fibers, in order for the fashion industry to truly become greener. By using better materials, collaborating with factory partners that decrease and recycle the water used during production, and limiting the synthetic materials and chemicals that can be used in garments, sustainable fashion can conserve water. Due to the interconnection of the climate crisis, ecosystems, and humanity, sustainable fashion stresses the need for extensive change and a variety of solutions.



Saving the Fashion industry: How data can point to a sustainable way forward


The fashion business is involved in the current trend of marketing oneself as a sustainable brand. Many companies have reacted by assuming a more eco-conscious image as a result of customers becoming more aware of the ways that big businesses contribute to the climate crisis. They may even use “greenwashing,” a marketing technique, in some instances to make things appear more environmentally friendly than they really are. Sustainable marketing is a strategy that enables companies to appropriately and straightforwardly market their environmentally and socially responsible goods, services, and brand image by leveraging their green credentials as a distinctive selling point. In this day and age companies have realized they won’t last in the long run if they don’t operate on eco-friendly values and must promote change to sell and survive.


Underwear that serves queer and slow fashion movement

Slow fashion is a movement that has proven to have benefits that go beyond just helping the environment. Offering decent working conditions and a living wage to those who work in their factories is a key component of a sustainable business plan for the fashion industry. Greener companies always make their products of the finest quality. Eco-friendly textiles are softer, more durable, and last a long time. You won’t need to purchase new clothes all the time if you wear sustainable clothing. It’s not about following trends and always being new in sustainable fashion. It involves making deliberate decisions about your wardrobe. Being able to break out from fast fashion’s cycle of trends and consumer habits allows you to design a wardrobe that may celebrate your uniqueness. Slow fashion lessens our own waste while also lowering customer desire for new products, which can minimize the overall amount of waste produced by the fashion industry.



Work Cited

Alves, Ana, et al. “What Exactly Is Sustainable Fashion & Why Is so Important (2022).” The VOU, 22 May 2022,

Persson, Frederico. “Sustainable Fashion for Sustainable Growth.” Saving the Fashion Industry: How Data Can Point to a Sustainable Way Forward, 3 Sept. 2019,

no author. “Slow Fashion.” Ecce Homo Underwear, Ecce Homo, 4 Feb. 2022,

2 Comments on Sustainability: The Future of Fashion♻️

  1. Victoria Purchase
    September 19, 2022 at 3:29 pm (2 years ago)

    Looks great! Love the topic and your inclusion of media and quotes. Keep up the good work!

  2. Tomi Olaore
    September 20, 2022 at 3:55 pm (2 years ago)

    Hey Alana! I really enjoyed reading your blog because it was really cool to read about but also very informative. I have never heard of the movement Slow Fashion so it was nice getting to learn about it. I like how you structured the blog and your use of images as well. You did a really good job, the only thing I would say is that you could probably add a semicolon to one of your sentences in the first paragraph. Overall you did a really nice job!


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