RCL #4

In-kind Donations – St. Coletta of Wisconsin, Inc.

Intro Paragraph:

Homelessness, poor nutrition, deficient child care, dangerous neighborhoods, and underfunded schools are just a few of the many negative effects of poverty on the world’s children. Your contribution is essential to a charity’s ability to advance its purpose of ending child poverty. If you are like me and have a connection to the issue of poverty you will feel more a part of the donation you make when you support a cause you are passionate about. Through a trust lens, one can see that the image employs pathos to elicit emotion from the viewer. Along with this, a social movement lens is also used to convey the idea that coming together as a community can help do away with this worldwide problem. You can contribute to a healthier population in your community when you donate money, goods, or your time by volunteering for initiatives that assist the underprivileged in overcoming child poverty. 

Brief outline-

Attention Getter: homelessness, poor nutrition, deficient child care, dangerous neighborhoods, and underfunded schools are just a few of the many negative effects of poverty on the world’s children. 

Purpose of the speech and Rhetorical Situation: I choose this image because the issue of child poverty has always been a problem I’ve been connected to in the past. Also, for children, poverty has numerous negative effects that can be helped through donations.

Lenses: trust and social movement

Broader Context: you can contribute to a healthier population in your community when you provide money, goods, or your time by volunteering for initiatives that assist the underprivileged in overcoming poverty. When you contribute to a charitable project, you’ll motivate others to follow your example. You can urge your family and friends to donate by making a donation yourself. 

Closer: so, I want you all to ask yourself how you can donate to bring about change and help eradicate poverty worldwide? I suggest finding out more about charitable organizations to take action. Thank you! 



Work Cited

no author. “Children in Need..!: Photo by Photographer Amer Jassim: Poverty Photography, Poor Children, Children Photography.” Pinterest, 2 Feb. 2013, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/307018899567083926/.

1 Comment on RCL #4

  1. Victoria Purchase
    September 27, 2022 at 12:45 pm (2 years ago)

    This looks really great! Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss your speech or essay! – VP


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