Civic Issue #1

Tracking Animal Cruelty — FBI


The most obvious harm caused by animal cruelty is the misery and suffering that the animal endures. Contrary to popular belief, bodily cruelty cases seldom have pleasant endings: the abuse is frequently horrifying, and the victims are rarely given a second chance at life or adopted by a good family. It is an issue that is looked over frequently today that needs to be further acknowledged. Animals are our friends, a way for us to survive, and most importantly, they are living things. Since animals are unable to defend themselves, it is crucial that we continue to make every effort to ensure that they have the lives they are entitled to.


World Elephant Day: Over 200 elephants in India kept in severely inadequate  conditions, says report | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express


There have been various different kinds of animal abuse recently.  After being herded up to the coast, the dolphins are killed. Typically, they are harpooned and left to bleed out on the beaches. The procedure is painfully slow. In some places of the world, wild animals are also poached. The killing of rhinoceroses and elephants is the one you know about the most. They kill the animals only to harvest their tusks or horns for market sale. They don’t pursue the animals for clothing, food, and other essentials that are generally permitted under the law. These folks like going on hunts and making money off of ivory. People uploading photos of themselves with freshly slain animals has also caused a great deal of concern. They kill cheetahs, tigers, and lions. Typically, these creatures are killed for their fur. The majority of these creatures are becoming rarer. Others are becoming extinct, such as the tiger.


The Disturbing Link Between Pet Abuse and Domestic Violence | by The Good  Men Project | Equality Includes You | Medium


Pets are involved in some of the worst cases of animal abuse. There are many various ways that pets can be abused. Dog fighting is a lucrative sport that is played for spectator enjoyment. In dog breeding operations known as puppy mills, revenues are prioritized over the welfare of the animals. Animal cruelty also includes keeping animals in captivity. Numerous pet owners take on more animals than they can manage, which frequently results in neglect. Factories, which are frequently used inhumanely by businesses to grow vast numbers of animals for consumption, are another kind of animal abuse. Another major issue is the killing of horses. Horses have been butchered for human amusement. Dog racing and cock fighting are both examples of animal maltreatment.


About Animal Testing - Humane Society International


In our nation, animal experimentation is a serious issue as well. They test drugs, cosmetics, psychiatric illnesses, and how they affect humans on animals. Harry Harlow tested the value of comfort and interaction on monkeys. Soon after the monkeys’ birth, their moms were taken away. They were housed in a cage together with a wire monkey holding food and another wire monkey wrapped in a cozy blanket. The majority of the monkeys choose to remain with the wire-covered monkey rather than go to it for food. The monkeys were unable to operate normally both by themselves and with other monkeys. Just after a study was already over, they were required to be stopped.



Traumatic Brain Injury | Neurological Conditions in Pets TexVetPets


The majority of people are unaware that animals suffer from the same kinds of psychological trauma that people do. Animals require proper care and treatment. These are not beings we can kill for amusement or vent our rage against. You can put an end to cruelty and keep it from happening in a number of ways. If you read my posts throughout the semester, you’ll learn how to stop, avoid, and learn about some of the animal mistreatment that takes place throughout the globe.




Work Cited:

no author. “Tracking Animal Cruelty.” FBI, FBI, 1 Feb. 2016,

no author. “World Elephant Day: Over 200 Elephants in India Kept in Severely Inadequate Conditions, Says Report.” The Indian Express, 12 Aug. 2020,

no author. “Medium – Definition, Meaning & Synonyms.”,

no author. “About Animal Testing.” Humane Society International, 28 July 2022,

Ducoté, Julie. “Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).” National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 2016,

1 Comment on Civic Issue #1

  1. Victoria Purchase
    February 5, 2023 at 2:06 am (1 year ago)

    Great post and use of media! It was very thought-provoking. Keep up the good work. – VP


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