Politics and Fashion✊

18 Moments Where Fashion and Politics Merged in the Last Decade | Teen Vogue

“You don’t have to play dress-up to be a feminist” –Meghan Markle

Fashion is intrinsically political since it serves as a reflection of the times. In addition to complicated concerns pertaining to class, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation, it has been used to convey nationalistic, propagandistic, and agenda-driven impulses. State-imposed regulations from the Middle Ages forbade commoners from clothing above their level, yet sansculottes sported tough pants as a sign of working-class solidarity during the French Revolution. The Black Panthers adopted a style of leather jackets and berets to indicate their deputization to refute the police force, using clothes to both take and fight authority. Powerful suits and pouf skirts transformed Reaganite corporate jingoism in the 1980s.  Many instances of this sort of interweaving of fashion and politics exist throughout history. Politics is being incorporated by designers all over the world, whether they are independent start-ups or internationally renowned brands, into every aspect of their companies, from the runway fantasy to the practical details of how designs are made. With activists and organizers, these designers are creating change rather than merely producing clothing. And that’s an additional benefit.




Knowing who makes your clothes is one method to make sure you can convey the story of your outfit.  A designer in charge of a modestly sized independent brand has considerably more direct control over her business than the leaders of large corporations with countless subsidiaries and shareholders who only care about profits. For example, Comey, a pillar of the New York City fashion industry, pioneered age, race, and shape hiring and has steadfastly worked to build a prosperous future for her company. She made the startlingly apparent point that she provides her workers paid time off to vote and a lengthy supportive letter for the Black Lives Matter movement.


The Influence Of Fashion In Politics Survey


Fashion is a form of activism. Movements that emerged during previous periods of upheaval, such as Dada sprouting from the rubble of World War I or the hippie subculture burning defiance to the system that gave rise to the Vietnam War. These activist movements use fashion’s potential for dream-creation to aid in people’s ability to see the future in a crucial role it can play–underground chats in an activist way came to light it was how history was created and continues to be made with issues of today.




Work Cited:

Smith, Talia. “18 Of the Most Political Fashion Moments of the Decade.” Teen Vogue, 19 Dec. 2019, https://www.teenvogue.com/story/18-moments-when-fashion-and-politics-merged-in-the-last-decade.

Bias Journal. “Of Politics by Dior and Chanel Noyonika Sircar.” Issuu, From BIAS: Journal of Dress Practice Issue 8 – Fashion + Systemsby BIAS Journal, 27 May 2021, https://issuu.com/dresspracticecollective/docs/bias_journal_of_fashion_studies_2021/s/12374222.

no author. “The Influence of Fashion in Politics.” The Influence Of Fashion In Politics Survey, Survey Monkey, https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Q5QSXMF.

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