RCL #1

Vapes: product page - The Real Cost


The prevalence of anti-vaping advertisements commercials employs commonplaces and pathos to provoke emotion from the viewer on the subject. Organizations like The Real Cost have been raising awareness of the risks associated with vaping. These commercials show young adults going about their daily lives and show the negative effect that vaping has on these many activities and how it might alter a person’s life in a detrimental way. To get their audience to stop using vape products, they appeal to people’s emotions and the relatability of the situations that occur in their videos. Although it is already well accepted that vaping is unhealthy, advocates can have a more significant influence by utilizing real-life examples and catchy phrases such as, “Nicotine Addiction Isn’t Pretty” to convey their main ideas. Such analyses typically start by determining how much of the intended audience has been exposed to communications, if the audience recalls them, and whether the intended audience considers the messages to be of exceptional quality, aesthetically pleasing, or relevant. Furthermore, campaign evaluations also look at whether the intended audience’s views or opinions have changed as an outcome of the campaign. The Real Cost is able to inform this audience of what they already know by mainly targeting them in its commercials and advertisements.




The movement’s success indicates how a thorough regulatory strategy that incorporates public education can lessen the cost of tobacco use in the public’s health care system. It is well known that media campaigns can effectively lower young adults’ vaping behaviors. Organized field trials and demographic studies have shown evidence that media efforts aimed at stopping vape use can alter public perceptions and lower the prevalence of vaping.


The effectiveness of “The Real Cost” shows that in order to accomplish their overarching aim to lessen the significant burden of vaping on public health, a robust regulatory strategy that incorporates public education about the dangers of vaping is necessary through the use of commonplaces.


Work Cited

no author. “Vapes: Product Page.” Vapes: Product Page – The Real Cost, https://therealcost.betobaccofree.hhs.gov/vapes.

No director, director. Nicotine Addiction Isn’t Pretty. YouTube, The Real Cost, 1 Aug. 2020, https://youtu.be/8BdK_6cUng8. Accessed 8 Sept. 2022.

Underwood, Elaine. “Anti-Vaping Spots by FCB Show Humiliating Side of Nicotine Addiction.” Campaign US, Campaign, 14 Aug. 2020, https://www.campaignlive.com/article/anti-vaping-spots-fcb-show-humiliating-side-nicotine-addiction/1691942.



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