The Office

All lists of binge-worthy TV shows have one entry in common: The Office. This show is a classic that I fully believe everyone should experience at least once in their life.

Image result for the office gifs

General Summary: The Office focuses on a paper company, Dunder Mifflin, located in Scranton, PA. However, this office is far from ordinary due to the eccentric boss, Micheal Scott, who keeps the show entertaining and light.  Within the office are a few likable and relatable characters such as Jim, your average underachiever…

Image result for the office gifs jim

Pam, the receptionist with big dreams and some impulsive tendencies…

Image result for the office gifs pam

And best of all, Dwight, the crazy beet farmer that never fails to entertain.

Image result for the office gifs dwight

Best Parts About The Show: Overall this is a great show to put on whenever you’re looking to casually enjoy some light entertainment. Each episode is only 20 minutes which makes it easy to put on whenever you’re looking to kill a little bit of time. However, those 20 minutes could become dangerous as it is very easy to justify the statement “oh I’ll just watch one more episode”.

Another big plus, interestingly enough, is the lack of plot. You do not have to pay careful attention to each episode to watch this show. The plot is relatively slow moving since the show focuses primarily on the comedy part. The Office is great to put on as background while you do homework or clean.

That being said, you can also take extended breaks from the show and still have no problem jumping right back in where you left off. With some shows, many careful details are necessary to understand what’s happening, but that is rarely the case in this instance. So feel free to take a break at any time to watch that other show you just found.

I also really enjoy the odd location of this massively popular show. Scranton, PA is a town approximately 45 minutes from my home town. It is known for basically nothing. Well other than being the town that The Office takes place in.  It makes the whole show feel very close to home for me considering not much happens where I’m from.


Worst Parts About The Show: The Office features a documentary crew that the characters will at times acknowledge and often do interviews with as a way of expressing their internal thoughts. However, the filming style is often shaky to reflect this documentary type filming. People often find this to be dizzying, and it can become a bit much if you’ve been binge watching for a while.

The Office  is actually an Americanized version of a UK TV show sporting the same name. Fans of the original UK version tend not to like the US version much.


My Overall Ratings

Binge-worthy-ness: 8/10 – no cliff hangers that make you want to keep watching, but very easy to digest and watch nonstop.

Plot: 6/10 – overall not a show where plot matters too much or is developed in any meaningful way

Characters: 9/10 – wide variety of relatable and hilarious people

Overall: 8.2/10 – I really enjoy this show, but it’s not the kind of show you fall in love with

And I’ll leave you with my all time favorite gif from the show…

Image result for the office gifs

Happy Binge-Watching!

3 thoughts on “The Office

  1. The Office is a classic American television show that I enjoyed wholeheartedly. While, I may have not rewatched the entire series again I plan on doing it in the near future. You bring up very interesting points on what truly makes this show great and so memorable, with characters such as Dwight and Michael. No series better embodies true random comedy than The Office and all of the characters crazy antics and personalities.

  2. To be honest I have never watched this show, but I heard a lot of good things about it before. I really like the style of your blog and I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this by adding so many gifs. The gifs are great because it matches the descriptions well with the characters so that I can see who is who. I look forward to more of your blogs!

  3. I love this blog idea. I feel like almost everyone enjoys a good binge watching session on Netflix, especially when the episodes are only 20 minutes long. The Office is a classic and never fails to make you laugh and I also love that you have included gifs because those are always entertaining! My mom is actually from Scranton and anytime I said that my friends were shocked because they did not even know it was a real place, so I also love the location of the show.

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