Welcome to the BMB Buzz
Hi there fellow BMB’ers!
Welcome to the BMB Buzz, a new blog which will highlight news you need to know from the main office! Our goal is to get helpful information out to the department quickly and easily. All of us are busy, so these posts will be one to two-minute reads. We hope to make your job and the BMB staff’s jobs easier with the many tips, news, and information we will be sharing with you.
We will be covering topics that deal with Penn State policies, travel, new improvements to purchasing, pcard rules, and many other items that pop up during the year. Often this kind of information is long-winded, dry, and hard to find in the Penn State Policies. We want to present quick, digestible bits of information to facilitate the interactions you have with the main office. Each topic will be tagged and categorized to make searching for specific information easier, and policy information will include a link back to the full policy.
New blog posts will be on Wednesdays. If you have a suggestion for a topic to be covered, please fill out the Contact form in the upper right-hand corner with your idea. Please subscribe using the tab at the bottom of the page for your weekly Wednesday info update!