Hey, hey BMB’ers,
How is everyone settling into the new normal? Did you wash your hands before you opened this post? Are you reading this from six feet away?
Okay, good.
Many of us found ourselves working from home quite suddenly last week. It’s been interesting, to say the least. But I’ve been amazed at how capable, adaptable, and willing to go the extra mile this department is. Kim and Dave implemented a brand new system to help reconcile pcards without paper during this time. Labs worked quickly to move their communications online and to make arrangements to limit or stop research. Faculty began teaching online. The staff collaborated with the faculty, the finance office, and other departments to keep us running smoothly.
I mean, I’m just gonna come right out and say it – The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology doesn’t mess around!
Now that we’ve started to get into a routine, we wanted to share some pics of everyone working hard – at home!
We’ll kick things off with James Howell showing us how this whole online teaching thing is done!
James, you look so serious. Also, your pupper seems to be judging you. “Are you sure you’re doing this right?”
Next up we have Jennifer Keefer checking in with her furry coworker, Tucson. I don’t know if I would be able to get much done with that face staring at me. Why yes, I will pet you for an hour!
Hey look, it’s our fearless leader, Wendy Hanna-Rose. Looking at this picture, it seems she’s got her hands full, and not just with us.
One of our newest faculty members, Denise Okafor, and her lovely assistant are working hard together to get the job done. (Oh man, I want to do worksheets too! They are way more fun than what I’m working on.)
To quote Joanne Power “If everyone’s pic isn’t them wrapped in blankets, eating Ben and Jerry’s, then they’re lying! :)” I mean, I’m not going to argue with that statement.
Dave Blehi is busy boosting morale and keeping us all connected via the BMB social media outlets. Keep the good news coming, Dave!
Kim Gummo and her sweet Bella have got things under control in the remote business office. Kim, deer, do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?
And last but not least, your humble (really, Trace?) blogger and administrative assistant, me, Tracey Besemer. (Um, no, I didn’t put lipstick on immediately before taking this picture, why?)
Keep those pictures coming! Be well, and be safe.
Love it!
I miss your face! Thanks for always making me smile/laugh.