Hey there BMB gang,

Today I wanted to take a moment to pause for a moment of silence as we remember life pre-pandemic.

I watched several movies this weekend, and every scene that showed a crowd made me physically cringe. It’s odd how quickly what was once normal, feels alien and strange.

It’s weird, right? We are a whole two or three weeks into this thing and we feel like we should be coping better. And yet I keep hearing from fellow colleagues about how distracted they are, or how exhausting everything feels.

And you know what? That’s okay.

None of us know how to deal with this. We are sailing in uncharted territory. Be kind and patient to each other, and more importantly be kind and patient to yourselves.

I will leave you with two articles that crossed my path this weekend, both of which I hope will leave you feeling a little less critical of how we are all handling this.

First from Rolling Stone, why we all feel so tired – “The Reason You’re Exhausted Is ‘Moral Fatigue'”

And then some solid advice in The Chronicle of Higher Education – “Why You Should Leave All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure”

We’ll figure this out together. I’m sure of it.