A Year In Search

I have always thought that Google’s “Year in Search” videos at the end of the year were solely a wrap-up of what us as a society searched throughout the year, as it states in the title. They are always full of interesting points that, by the end of the year, you may have forgotten happened in the earlier months. After watching their year in review videos from 2014-2017, I noticed one major shift. As the years progressed, the videos went from merely stating what we searched that year, but they began to manifest into who we were as a society. Searches went from celebrities, movies and the newest iPhone, to how to aid those affected by hurricanes, earthquake, wildfires, and everything in between, plus how to house refugees, how to stop the building of the wall, and how to be fearless.

This is a fantastic example of the changes in society’s understanding that they needed to change. Not to say that everyone watched Google’s videos and were suddenly a more caring person, but Google’s videos shows that something did happen like that – an overall epiphany. Within the past few years, the world has faced so many struggles that have allowed people to care about more than just themselves. This shows through our Google searches. It also is a great example of how us as a society saw our decline and went out of our way to fix the problem… or at least try to. The effort is there from millions of people, and not just the ones who had to Google search how to make a protest sign.

Some argue that people should have seen these issues sooner, done more about them quicker, or have spoken out about them rather than merely walked in a protest about it. But honestly, no matter what small part you play in giving aid to people affected, or speaking one word against the wrongdoings of people in power, it makes an impact. How do I know this? Even Googling a question about it made an impact. Not only does this show that people want to learn and change the world that they live in, but also they aren’t afraid to ask questions. Especially when it comes to such sensitive topics where most people don’t even feel comfortable talking about them with other people, questions are vital to knowing how to approach the situation. With an outlet such as Google, people can ask their questions with anonymity, but also know that the answers and information they gain about the topic is valid and informative.

While it doesn’t matter which way people were influenced to help their society, Google’s Year in Review videos, especially 2016-2017, are one of those things you watch that makes you feel empowered, moved, and determined to go out and change the world. What makes it even more soul shifting is that the data isn’t made up to motivate you, the data is real and shows that there are other people out there just like you. So when you feel like your one speech, small act of protest, one welcoming home or a small act of kindness will not make a difference, know that thousands of people felt the same way. But they just went on Google, looked it up, and then proceeded to have an effect on the world larger than they could have ever imagined.

3 thoughts on “A Year In Search

  1. Kendall Heebink says:

    This is such an interesting post- I find it strange, yet reassuring that there has been an upwards trend in these google summaries. There are so many arguments and concerns out in the world about how our society is becoming more materialistic, more centered on ourselves, but this data and these trends directly combat that idea. And, as you said, this isn’t really something to be argued with- so many people use google as a universal search engine, and these “year in search” summaries involve google merely computing the data and feeding it back towards us. This post also effectively invites the discussion- Are we, as a society becoming different and more caring? Has there really been a change? According to these google artifacts, the answer would be absolutely- which is interesting to consider in terms of my post.

  2. sck5271 says:

    You did a really effective job, Bentley, speaking in an unbiased and impartial manner and addressing tangible, real-world issues with ease and poise. Though I think your post may have benefitted from a few more mentions of kairos, the timing of Google’s Year In Search videos and the effect thereof are evident. I truly appreciate your comments pertaining to impactful – and, most importantly, timely – methods of change and outreach. Well done!

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