Humans = Eggs

I spent a lot of time searching the internet for a bad speech to write about, hoping I could find one from a movie I liked, or at least one I had seen before. After an hour of searching, I came upon this train-wreck of a speech and honestly it made me laugh. If you have the time, please do me a favor and watch this poor kid struggle — I think we can all relate to him just a little too much.

First, I never really picked up what his topic was. He started off talking about food for thought, and then all of the sudden he is comparing himself to an egg. Informing your audience of the topic of your speech clearly and promptly allows them to follow along much easier. Even if you don’t state it right away, make sure to state it at some point instead of having a bunch of random points stuck together in a paragraph and calling it a speech.

This speaker’s excessive hand movements are very distracting. Moving around a bit and small hand gestures can add some character to your speech, but this kid is having an entire conversation with his arms. Personally, I either chose to move around a little when I speak, or add some minor hand movements — but not both.

To top it all off, this speaker did not have his speech memorized, and neither did he have note cards. People forget— it’s normal! But not only did he forget, he was also visibly uncomfortable and insecure. Even if you forget what you are meant to be saying, at least say the fake stuff with confidence! No one will know the difference if you believe what you’re saying is true. If there was a perfect opportunity for using the phrase “fake it ‘till you make it,” this would be it.

Speeches do not have to be perfect, and let’s be honest, they rarely are. But with just a few quick notes, this kid’s speech about how humans are like eggs (?), could have been inspiring instead of making me crack up.

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