TED Talk Outline
Topic: Evolving Media Practices and Impact on Political Culture
Purpose: The purpose of this TED Talk is to educate audience on how alternative media’s rise has adversely impacted civic life.
Thesis Statement: Due to the technologically spurred shift towards alternative media, much of mass media has been weaponized to propagate ideologies rather than inform. As a result, society is increasingly radicalized, angrier, and less productive civically.
- Introduction
- Introduce relationship between mass media’s rise and increase in political engagement.
- Acknowledge that information has become more widely available, however at the detriment of trust.
- Cite Pew Research Center study that 5 in 10 Americans rely on social media for information, argue social media’s lack of credibility (Source 1, see content sources)
- Intro garners audience attention by beginning with a topic audience is likely familiar with to extent (presence of relationship between mass media and civic life), before zooming in on specific topic of misinformation and information accessibility.
- Thesis
- Identify damaging effects of paradigm shift
- Due to the technologically spurred shift towards alternative media, much of mass media has been weaponized to propagate ideologies rather than inform.
- As a result, society is increasingly radicalized, angrier, and less productive civically.
- Identify damaging effects of paradigm shift
Body Content
- Short Background
- First mass media, Television, changing campaign practice (Source 4, see content sources)
- Helped to frame societal issues in national context.
- First mass media, Television, changing campaign practice (Source 4, see content sources)
- Transition to Fairness Doctrine
- However, despite nationwide evolution in mass media, there was still a universal respect for ethics and fairness (Source 2, see content sources)
- Describe Fairness Doctrine and Dissolution
- Briefly tell Fairness Doctrine story (Source 2, see content sources)
- In the early ages of television, information supply constrained to three public broadcasting networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC
- Fairness doctrine established so these corporation didn’t abuse monopoly on information
- Established precedent that broadcast must feature opposing viewpoints of any political issue
- Dissolved in 1987 due to free speech concerns
- Fairness doctrine established so these corporation didn’t abuse monopoly on information
- In the early ages of television, information supply constrained to three public broadcasting networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC
- Briefly tell Fairness Doctrine story (Source 2, see content sources)
- Effects of Fairness Doctrine Dissolution
- Rise of cable news channels like Fox News, CNN (Source 4, see content sources)
- Traditional political reporting mixed with opinion-based commentary.
- Caused political sorting based off ideology in media consumption.
- Rise of alternative media and para-social relationships
- Fairness Doctrine dissolution coincided with tech’s rise in popularity
- Define alternative media (podcasts, blogs, channels, social media, etc…)
- Introduce idea that alternate media routinely engages in media malpractice
- Para-social relationships (Source 3, see content sources)
- Define para-social relationships
- One-sided relationship between media personality and media consumer
- Para-social relationships ripen opportunity for misinformation
- Alex Jones example (Source 3, see content sources)
- Cultivation of para-social relationship to build credibility amongst audience
- Abuse of this relationship to pummel fake news
- Alex Jones example (Source 3, see content sources)
- Define para-social relationships
- Rise in subversive campaigning
- Define subversive campaigning (Source 4, see content sources)
- Subversive Campaigning: aims to evoke anger rather than offer solutions
- Reiterate that para-social relationships, and by extension subversive campaigning, are principal byproducts of alternate media’s rise, and that these trends have only damaged political environment and opportunity for discussion.
- Define subversive campaigning (Source 4, see content sources)
- Para-social relationships (Source 3, see content sources)
- Fairness Doctrine dissolution coincided with tech’s rise in popularity
- Effects of shift on civic life (1 minute)
- Identify alternate media as a detriment to political culture
- Reiterate that alternate media is by nature prone to misinformation
- Alternate media is a radicalizing force
- Reiterate that alternate media is by nature prone to misinformation
- Identify alternate media as a detriment to political culture
- Offer solution:
- Concede that alternate media is a widely established information source and thus the current damaging trends are difficult to stem.
- Solutions
- Reestablish Fairness Doctrine
- Would maintain distinction in information quality between traditional news sources and alternative counterparts
- Intensified instruction on healthy information-consumption practices in schools
- Reestablish Fairness Doctrine
- Conclusion
- Through reform and the promotion of reliable news sources, our society will be able to enjoy the convenience of our world’s greater technological advancement, while sustaining a fruitful civic life.
Selected Order of Images for PowerPoint supplement and Image Sources
- Opening Slide – N/A
- Slide 1 – This is how many Americans get their news from social media (msn.com)
- Slide 2 – 1950s-Family-blank-lo-res.jpg (1500×980) (studybreaks.com)
- Slide 3 – cnn-fox-news-msnbc-02-4×3-2018.jpg (800×600)
- Slide 4 – video-dashboard1.png (1600×689) (reviewsandbonus.club)
Selected Content Sources:
Source 1: This is how many Americans get their news from social media (msn.com)
Source 2: Fairness Doctrine | Ronald Reagan (reaganlibrary.gov)
Source 3: “My Superpower is Being Honest:” Perceived Credibility and Parasocial Relationships with Alex Jones | Southwestern Mass Communication Journal (tdl.org)
Source 4: Roemmele, A., & Gibson, R. (2020). Scientific and subversive: The two faces of the fourth era of political campaigning. New Media & Society, 22(4), 595–610. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819893979
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