What is Happening in Hollywood?

It has become a regular occurrence that allegations of sexual harassment and assault cover media tabloids. With the start of accusations towards Fox TV show host Bill O’Reilly and his removal from the network the floodgates have opened of women calling out their attackers. The 6 women accusing him of verbal sexual harassment along with nonconsensual sex have been paid out along with the removal of O’Reilly from the News channel. Likewise, a revolution has occurred in Hollywood which started with the outing of film producer and executive Harvey Weinstein. He used his power and influence to exploit young women within the industry. The allegations started in a New York Times article that uncovering Weinstein by actresses Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd on October 5, 2017. After the article over 13 women included their accusations against Weinstein in the New York Times. Along with three claims of rape, Weinstein has been expelled from the Oscars, called a Monster and despicable by other film moguls, and rightfully banned from the Guild of Directors and other major movie outlets. More and more women are speaking out against the former film mogul and accusing him of rape, along with various forms of sexual harassment. Names like Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara Delevingne make an impact and allow other women to speak up about the injustices inflicted upon them. Weinstein and other disgraced actors such as Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K and many more have exposed those in vulnerable positions to sexual predation. It has opened up the eyes and has lead to women in the workplace declaring change. No woman should have to work with a CEO/Boss/ Producer that requires sexual favors in order to advance within their career, as Weinstein often proposed to young actresses.

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It is evident that this revolution within Hollywood itself has spread to various different fields such as in News and Politics. Disgraced news anchor Matt Lauer has recently had claims filed against him and has been swiftly removed from his position on the Today show. From a Vice news article, Matt Lauer claims that he is sorry for the harm he has inflicted and is making it “his full time job” to repair the damage. The claims originated from the 2014 Sochi Olympics where a complaint of sexual misconduct occurred from Lauer and a co worker, since than more women has spoken out against him. In the current political climate, with President Trump defending Alabama Senator Roy Moore, accused of sexual misconduct from underage girls, it is evident that these accusations are necessary. Along with the controversial “Pussygate” involving the current President it is clear that women need to continue stand up and speak out against those who abuse their power and influence.  One can only hope that the men who have continually misuse their power continue to be outed by women who are fighting for a safe work space. Questions that can be asked for the future is what will come of the disgraced abusers of Hollywood? Will this trend spread to corporations, politics, and beyond? And most importantly how can we protect and encourage men and women to speak out?



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