What is happening with the Chinese influence in Africa?

There has a been a surge of imports from Africa to China, which has arose important questions within the global community. The Sino-African trade first was initiated 600 years ago by the Ming Dynasty on the Kenyan Coast (Guardian). Since the 1900’s the Chinese have set their sites on Africa’s great abundance of natural resources. In the early 1900’s the focus of Chinese workers was gold mining but later translated into construction/agriculture during Mao Zedong’s control over The Chinese Republic. In recent years there has been an upsurge in the China-Africa trade which reportedly “grew from $6bn in 1999 tomore than $90bn in 2009,” this significant growth has caused international worries (Heritage).

The situation in Africa reminds many of the South China sea disputes. Which were caused by China’s increasing military presence within the sea. While creating a presence on disputed islands to expanding their overall control of the South China Sea. It has caused quite an international debate as to whom should have control especially with other South China sea countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Burnei, and the Philippines (Forbes). It is evident that China is willing to do whatever possible to gain the edge over economic hegemon’s such as the US and other competitors.


Africa has a long history of exploitation of not only the people who inhabit the continent but their natural resources. The West has dominated controlling Africa’s resources, especially the US,  that often finance civil wars within unstable African countries. Reflecting the West’s economic/social invasion of Africa China is following in the footsteps. According the the Guardian there are around “one million” Chinese living and working in Africa (Guardian). This is due to the surge of industry that is available within African countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and other West Coast countries. For many there are endless opportunities in Africa, especially to become one’s own boss. The Guardian Article “China’s economic invasion of Africa” details the stories from Chinese workers who have made new fulfilling lives in Africa. To many they have made the “African Dream” persay along with working at a slower pace than many booming cities in China. Jobs for Chinese within Africa are endless there are opportunities to export resources, produce cheap goods, along with set up new enterprises used towards competing with other. However, a large source in jobs within Africa is the construction industry that employs Chinese contractors to oversee various projects that are carried out such as building bridges, railways, housing complexes, and various corporate buildings. According to Vice News China is looking more and more like developed Chinese Cities. The amount of Chinese housing units, restaurants, and signs is almost eerie.

There has been backlash against Chinese workers and companies within Africa. This has increased the amount of security the Chinese government has placed within African countries. Over “2,500 Chinese troops, police, and military experts have been dispatched” (Guardian). This is due to a variety of occurrences were Chinese workers have been killed by Africans in retaliation to their presence, along with the kidnapping of two Chinese workers in Cameroon. Although there are serious questions to be answered about the Chinese involvement within Africa. It is clear that they are there to industrialize and gain the edge over competitors with a new source of cheap labor and resources. Competing with the US-African trade has also arose the urgency of this situation with many American corporations along with the government. There is plenty concern within the influence of China within Africa especially for the sake of exploitation of the people and their resources. Hopefully the international community will raise the alarm and prevent the Chinese from intervening within African politics.

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