The West Wing, an American political drama, was created by famed director and playwright Aaron Sorkin. Originally airing on September 22nd, 1999, the show had a successful seven season run until its cancellation in 2006. The show has been highly acclaimed, winning 26 primetime Emmy Awards and ranking number 10 on The Writers Guild of America’s list of best-written TV shows. The show also features a star-studded cast, including notable actors such as Martin Sheen, Allison Janney, and Rob Lowe (cue the heart eyes) in the main cast.
The West Wing details the work and lives of presidential senior workers in the White House during the fictional Josiah Bartlet (Sheen) Administration. Through witty dialogue and “walk-and-talk” shots, which the program popularized, viewers get a glimpse into the innerworkings of the executives branch.
I first started watching the West Wing during quarantine in 2020. I was instantly hooked, as were my parents and my brother. Watching an episode (or a few) each night quickly became part of our nightly routine. I regrettably have to admit that sometimes, I would watch ahead without my family. It was just so intriguing I couldn’t help myself!
What really drew me in to The West Wing and kept me watching was the quick, clever dialogue. With frequent references to American history, current events, and popular culture of the time, I always felt like I was learning something while watching. While I may not have understood every allusion and sometimes had to pause the show to look up new vocabulary words, I never felt like the show and its writers intended to make me feel stupid; the goal was to educate people. Sorkin also did a great job at weaving in the character’s personal lives, humanizing them and providing drama in each episode.
One downside of the show is that some of the plotlines sometimes seem a bit forced and unrealistic. However, my Dad, who worked in politics for a time, said that he felt many parts of it were pretty accurate in portraying the world of government work. While that is just one person’s opinion, I feel like the contrived plotlines don’t really detract from the overall experience when watching the show; you just kind of have to look past them.
Furthermore, some criticize The West Wing’s failure to portray the darker side of American politics. I admit that the show definitely romanticizes government work, almost to a fault. That being said, I personally believe that it’s okay to consume idealistic media in moderation. Consistently watching doom-and-gloom programming is bound to make us feel depressed and hopeless about the state of society. Sometimes, it’s nice to escape reality for a little while and watch shows such as The West Wing to restore our faith in humanity, provided we understand the realities of the world we live in.
For all its faults, The West Wing remains one of my favorite TV shows. I definitely recommend watching it if you have any interest in American history, politics, or government.
Read more about The West Wing here.
Information in first paragraph courtesy of Wikipedia.
I love the idea of reviewing television shows. I am always looking for new suggestions for good shows to watch, so your vlog will be a great source for me! Your analysis was deep and thorough, and also entertaining to read!
I like how in all your praise of the show, which really does a great job of selling it to the reader, you still took the time to comment on its flaws. Of course no show is going to be perfect and so to hear the negatives, which really do not seem that bad, makes the review feel more realistic.
I’ve never seen this show! But now I want to! It also came out on my birthday! This was so fun to read about, it reminds me of the show Parks and Rec, have you seen it? Rob Lowe is in that show too. I loved hearing how this was a family tradition during COVID. It’s always heartwarming to hear about those stories.
Friends keep recommending Parks and Rec to me! It is definitely on my to watch list!
I love watching TV. I’ve never seen this show though, and this cast is stacked omg. Rob Lowe and Allison Janney, I’m gonna have to give it a watch definitely. Your analysis especially makes me want to watch it even more.