One elevator pitch from class that I found very intriguing was Conner’s pitch, “Time For Change,” which talked about an artifact that draws attention to the issue of species going extinct. The visual rhetoric of the image (below) is very striking, and definitely provokes a very emotional response in the audience. The advertisement is very disturbing to look at and portrays a sense of urgency when it comes to addressing environmental issues.
The elevator pitch was effective because it convinces us why we should care about the artifact and clearly explained some of the rhetoric used in the artifact. Furthermore, the fact that Conner stood close to the image made it easier to focus on how what he was saying related directly to the ad. Another aspect of the pitch that I really liked was how it ended with a thought-provoking question. This makes the audience think more deeply about the presentation, and they may even think about it hours after. I will definitely be utilizing this strategy when I give my artifact speech.
While I thought it was impressive that the pitch was delivered without any notes, having a notecard with some general ideas might help in creating a more structured argument about the different rhetorical strategies that are being used.
Overall, I thought this was a great elevator pitch! I have it linked below!
I totally agree that Conner’s pitch was extremely intriguing. I loved his visual; I agree that it was very striking. I also agree that having a notecard would be helpful in the future!
Conner’s elevator pitch was really moving. The artifact he chose really tugged on my heartstrings, looking at that poor seal in pain made me want to do something about it. His analysis was really put together and I look forward to his full video.
I also really liked Conner’s pitch and think that his artifact gives him a lot to work with. Beyond that his pitch added onto the emotional response because he engaged with the audience a lot by not using a notecard and really leaning into vivid language. Overall I’m excited to see the final product and can’t wait to see what other details Connor can extrapolate from this artifact.
I also really liked Conner’s pitch and think that his artifact gives him a lot to work with. Beyond that his pitch added onto the emotional response because he engaged with the audience a lot by not using a notecard and really leaning into vivid language.
I thought this was a great analysis and also a great elevator pitch too. I think especially touching on the emotional aspect of this image would be a great way to examine it. I agree that with some more practice and in depth analysis this will become a great speech!