
In today’s passion blog, I will be going back to talking about nutrition and foods. In today’s blog, the main topic will be a personal favorite of mine, fruits. I will be going over the Benefits of fruit, how much you should eat, and any cons of eating fruit.

First, the benefits of fruit. There are so many different benefits, that I would be able to write a book about them, so I will try to keep this short and readable. Fruits have dietary fiber, which is a vital nutrient our bodies need. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. It also includes vitamin C, which is a nutrient responsible for the growth and repair of body tissue. This is very important for your body, and if you don’t have enough you will be inflamed and fatigued. On top of that, vitamin C also heals cuts and wounds, keeps teeth and gums healthy, and helps your body absorb iron. These are all important to the body, you don’t want wounds to take a while to heal, or your gums to be inflamed. Next, fruit is low in sodium, fat, cholesterol, and calories. There is really no reason to not eat fruit because it has all of these benefits with no downside, it is almost the perfect food. Lastly, some fruit is very high in potassium, which is helpful for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Bananas for example have a lot of potassium, which also makes them helpful in preventing cramps, that is something I became very familiar with while playing football. As you can see, fruit is a very good fruit to put into your daily diet, but if you still have doubts I will leave a link to a website giving more details. I will now move into how much fruit you should eat.  Click here

Rainbow Fruit Salad - California Strawberry Commission

How much fruit should you eat? This section will be much shorter because I have less to explain. In general you should be eating at least a cup of fruit every day, which is 1 cup of fruit, 1/2 cup of dried fruit, and 1 cup of 100% fruit juice(has to be 100% because it will have added sugars and other things if not). The amount that you should eat also depends of age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity, but if you aim for at least a cup a day you will be good.

Onto my next section, the cons of fruit. There is no reason to not eat fruit in your diet, because no cons are present. When you eat a fruitarian diet however, you will experience nutrient deficiencies, because fruit doesn’t have all the nutrients you need, such as protein. But for eating a normal amount of fruit in a balanced diet, there is nothing to worry about.


Struggling to eat fruits and veggies? Check out these tips! — Sarah Pelc  Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach Strong with Sarah- Online Weight Loss  Coach

Another link if you want to learn more


2 thoughts on “Nutrition

  1. Fruit is absolutely one of my favorite things to eat. I knew that it was healthy, but I never realized the plethora of benefits that came with it. It’s really nice to find out that something I already enjoy eating is super healthy for me too! What is your favorite way to include fruit into your diet? Personally I love smoothies.

  2. Despite loving fruits, I personally don’t eat enough of them. I obviously was aware of some of the benefits of fruits, but I think I was under the misconception that the high sugar content of fruits can be bad for you. After a bit further research, I realized that sugars in fruits are completely natural and not at all detrimental. Out of curiosity, are there any fruits that are particularly healthy compared to others?

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