We frequently find ourselves leaving our lights on, trashing our recyclables, or turning up the heat in our house just for our own comfort and convenience. It is uncommon for us to proceed with such actions having even the slightest thought of the detrimental effects being forced on our environment. The course of our thoughtless actions ultimately leads to excess fossil fuels that add greenhouse gases to our atmosphere. The greenhouse gasses then trap heat in our planet, which creates extinction among animals, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels.
In the picture above, it is clearly highlighted that the polar bear is stuck due to the thin, melted ice it has to stand on. The severity of the polar bear’s situation is used to emphasize that many animals, especially the ones up north, are being harmed by the melting glaciers. These arctic animals are losing their homes, families, and lives.
What we do not realize from the picture is that it is not just the arctic animals losing their homes. In fact, Many animals all over the globe feel the wrath of the climate change. With the shift in temperature comes discomfort for almost any animals because they are not biologically predisposed to deal with the temperatures we have in today’s society. In the end, the problem has caused many extinctions and significant population loss among a variety of different species, which continues to become more and more of an issue.
Moreover, as an effect of the melting ice caused by global warming, sea levels are rising. We have seen a loss of land and a substantial impact on the aquatic life because of the rising water. Many sea animals fail to adjust to the changing conditions of their homes and fail to survive. Furthermore, the opposite is occurring to our lakes. Since the temperature is rising, lakes are beginning to evaporate quicker than they can refill, killing even more aquatic life.
Overall, the picture represents the often overlooked harmed we are creating through our abundant, typically unnecessary overuse of energy. Hopefully pictures like the one above will help us realize what we are doing and make people conscientious about climate change in our environment.