About Me

This is a personal headshot of Brandon Bacal.
Brandon Bacal – Junior at The Pennsylvania State University

Originally a Premedicine major, I ended up changing my path and decided to move into the world of IT, switching to Information Sciences and Technology  at Penn State. To be honest, I never thought that I would move out of the original area of study I first chose when I got to college. I was dead set on a path I predetermined for myself, and I didn’t give it deep thought until I arrived on campus as a freshman in 2021.

I didn’t enjoy what I was learning early on. I quickly found out that I wasn’t passionate about chemistry or biology, and other natural sciences. I didn’t have that drive or interest that I thought I had in this field. That is why I pivoted to IST and took a chance at jumping into a brand-new area of study.

Into the Unknown

After this experience, I ended up taking an introductory IST course in my second semester, and I decided that Information Technology was the area I wanted to pursue. Going in, I didn’t know what to expect. However, I took a chance, and for some reason, things started to click for me, and I found myself enjoying learning again.

Coursework and Projects

I’ve taken many courses in IST during my time at Penn State, and I’ve completed many projects. Some Java projects I’ve done include a data table with scrolling functionality of a Penn State football roster, as well as a program to calculate earthquake magnitudes. A networking project I completed involved making a network diagram for Dunkin’, in an area where they could expand their business. It contained a WAN and LAN diagram, full of features such as switches, routers, firewalls, network segmentation, DMZs, and access points. In my AI article, I created a brochure using generative AI, such as ChatGPT and NightCafe.

For the Spring 2024 semester, the project I am currently working on is developing a project schedule and risk assessment tool for a bank. At this point the project is 50% complete, according to the deliverables and project schedule. The applications used include Microsoft Project, Word, Excel, and Teams.

IT Technician Experience

In my professional career, I used what I learned in the classroom at work as an IT Technician for 2 years at ACTS Retirement, supporting staff and residents with troubleshooting their technical issues, and providing solutions and guidelines to help them. Some common issues I’ve solved include printer issues, network cabling, phone lines, and computer problems. It felt great to help people since that was one of my main goals in life, where my career would help others in some capacity.

My Future Plans

I am currently seeking a summer internship in the field of Information Technology, specifically in the areas of IT project management, technology integration, application development, or technology consulting.

If you want to learn more about me, here is my Resume, as well as my LinkedIn.