A Motto I Follow

image of quote
Credit: Etsy

Be better than you were yesterday”

Every day is a chance to restart, to change, to take a step forward. Life is too short to get caught up on something that happened in the past. The longer you dwell, the longer you lose out on taking a step towards change to improve yourself or the situation. There are things only you can control, and that’s what you should focus on to be the change you want to see.

How I Applied It

In my professional career so far, a lot of projects I’ve undertaken were not completed in a single day. It takes weeks or months to fully complete a project from start to finish, by slowly implementing new changes every single day up to the deadline. Like the motto, the projects became better than they were the day before, because of consistent change for the better.

My Advice to You

If there’s one thing I can give advice on in your professional career: take your time. Take each day one step at a time, figure out what motivates you, and focus on what you can do to make yourself better. Forget about comparing yourself to other people. They aren’t you, and you aren’t them. It will only distract you from what you can control: yourself and your actions.