

Stage O & 1

These cancers are termed “carcinoma in situ.” Carcinoma means cancer and “in situ” means “in it’s original place.” Depending on which part of the breast is affected the name differs slightly:

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

In stage 0, the cancer has not spread past the ducts or lobules of the breast. In stage 1 the tumor has not exceeded 2cm. Depending on your familial history and current health status the doctors may point you to invasive treatment or recommend you to continue annual clinical exams.


The following video taken from the National Breast Cancer Foundation site gives an overview of Stage 0 and 1 Breast Cancer:

Stage 2

In stage 2 the breast cancer has spread only to the nearby lymph nodes.

Additionally Stage 2 can be broken down into IIA and IIB. Depending on the size of the tumor in centimeters and the number of nodes affected doctors may break stage two down in to “A” or “B”.


The following video taken from the National Breast Cancer Foundation site gives an overview of Stage 2 Breast Cancer:

Stage 3

In stage 3 breast cancer the nearby tissues, lymph nodes,  and muscles have been invaded.

It can be further broken down into 3A, 3B, and 3C depending on the extent of nearby lymph nodes and muscle invaded and the size of the tumor.

Sometimes stage 3 breast cancer needs two or more different treatments together in order for the best results. Sometimes stage 3C can be termed “inoperable” if the cancer requires a treatment to shrink the tumor before the doctor is able to remove it surgically.


The following video taken from the National Breast Cancer Foundation site gives an overview of Stage 3 Breast Cancer:

Stage 4

In stage 4 breast cancer one or more organs of the body have been invaded with cancer. Some common metastasis sites include the lungs, liver, brain or bones.

This stage is considered incurable but there are many advances in technology and treatment that may extend life for several years. There are also some experimental therapies and treatments in the research stage that some people may be interested in trying.


The following video taken from the National Breast Cancer Foundation site gives an overview of Stage 4 Breast Cancer:


Above picture: ( The above info was obtained in conjunction with info available on the National Breast Cancer Foundation site. (national