Brigette's Blog


“We Will” Write a Rhetorical Analysis Speech

My civic artifact is a video produced by the campaign “Rock the Vote.” It is intended to inspire individuals, especially teens and young adults, to register to vote and to want their voices to be heard.

Here is the link to the Rock the Vote #WeWill Video:

This is my tentative outline for my rhetorical analysis essay:

First Paragraph: Introduction (no more than 1 minute)

  • Engage reader (Possibly pose a question for thought) (20 seconds)
  • Introduce artifact (5-10 seconds)
  • Brief background (20 seconds)
  • Thesis: Include how I will rhetorically analyze my civic artifact (Diction, kairos, ethos, pathos, specific rhetorical devices) (10 seconds)

-Show Video (1 minute)

Second Paragraph: (45 seconds-1 minute)

  • Analyze the phrase “We Will”
  • Discuss the simplicity, strength, and uniting power of the phrase
  • Discuss the use of repetition in the video, which emphasizes the short phrase

Third Paragraph: (45 seconds- 1 minute)

  • Analyze ethos (celebrities, icons, and well known public figures specifically chosen for video)
  • Analyze pathos (patriotism)

Fourth Paragraph (45 seconds-1 minute)

  • Analyze Kairos
  • Include historical example(s)
  • Discuss the importance of the video with regards to the upcoming presidential election

Fifth Paragraph: Conclusion (20 seconds)

  • Summarize rhetorical analysis of the artifact

Feedback is welcome!

Brigette Cannata • September 15, 2016

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  1. Hannah Canil September 15, 2016 - 2:09 pm

    One quick thing, I think the video thing can only be 30 seconds if you show it…so maybe find a clip that captures the concept pretty well that fits that time specification?
    I think you have a good idea of what kind of analytical claims you will be making, each section is structured with a beginning where you plan to analyze a specific aspect or phrase.
    Commonplaces/ideology- I think you should be able to get this from the tie-ins to the election and the “WE” in the “We will” phrase. Good topic!
    Your arrangement seems well-structured. Think about transitions, you don’t want your speech to seem too much like a list you’re checking off…but going off of your elevator pitch, I think you’ll be great. Your transitions were really fluent!
    Evidence of timing-you plotted it out so I have no comment! Haha thanks!
    You seem to have a good idea for a strong opener too. Again, based off your pitch, I know it will be great!
    I can’t wait to see how this plays out!

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