Brigette's Blog


The Misconception of G.M.O.s

The Wellesley News

A study was conducted by a group at Cornell University to study how the general public perceives food based on their labels. They used the same exact food product across the study, however half of the product was labeled “organic” and half of the product was labeled “regular.” They sampled one hundred and fifteen individuals from their local shopping center. The study revealed that shoppers believed the product labeled “organic” was tastier and more nutritious (Konnikova).

The results of this study are a product of the halo effect. The term “organic” is viewed very positively and it causes people to assume that it holds other positive attributes automatically. The correlation does not actually exist.

This study may seem null on the surface, however it actually has a huge impact on our society. It proved to social scientists that people are predisposed to believe that natural foods are healthier than foods that have been manipulated or processed. It introduces the notion that the majority of the public has a misguided opinion of genetically modified foods (G.M.O.s). This is why there is much skepticism and resistance to G.M.O.s.

Public fear of G.M.O.s is a product of the reverse halo effect. The negative perception of manipulated foods conditions people to wrongfully reject G.M.O.s.

The truth is that we have been genetically modifying the food we eat from the beginning of time. Agriculture flourished because individuals began to cross breed plants to grow crops with ideal traits. The difference is the level of technology we use to modify foods today.

G.M.O.s are already on the shelves of our super market. If you have ever eaten Doritos, Cheetos, Wheat Thins, Ritz crackers, Lays chips, or Tostitos tortilla chips you have consumed G.M.O.s (Babe). Fortunately, despite their negative stigma, G.M.O.s are safe for consumption.

Scientists have made it clear that genetically modified crops are just as safe to consume as food that has not been genetically modified (National Geographic). There is no harm associated with G.M.O.s because genetic changes are not dangerous. We have been consuming foreign DNA our entire lives. Consuming modified DNA will have no different impact on our health.

Why do people view genetic changes so negatively? The answer ties back to the halo effect. Our minds associate genetic changes with genetic disease. One of the most popular arguments against G.M.O.s is that they are generally “bad.” Bad is such a vague term. It does not describe any actual risks. The claim does not hold any weight (Siegel, Verity).

G.M.O.s can actually be pretty beneficial. They are grown to contain the maximum amount of nutrients. This can have a huge impact on those living in underprivileged areas of the world. Many countries are experiencing a shortage of food. As a result, children are not eating properly, and that impacts their development. A G.M.O. can pack much more vital nutrients into one serving of food and begin to save lives.

Another important thing to consider is the world’s rapidly growing population. We are currently unable to feed everyone. However, genetically modifying crops will lead to a better crop yield. It is believed that G.M.O. technology will double crop production by the year 2050 (Siegel, Verity). This is just another way G.M.O.s could help save lives.

For these reasons G.M.O.s are not something to fear, but something we should welcome into our society with open arms.




Brigette Cannata • April 5, 2017

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  1. Parker Jax Yochim April 6, 2017 - 2:54 pm

    YES! Finally someone who has actually read about GMOs before they come to a judgment on them. As someone who grew up in a farm town and worked on a farm, albeit briefly, you come to realize how important GMOs are. With out GMOs it is likely that we would not be able to feed our population, as often times plants are modified to thrive in certain environments and subsequently produce more food. Many people think that GMOs are harmful, in reality they are tested and are harmless. Without GMOs, the price of corn would be staggering.

  2. Dan April 6, 2017 - 3:01 pm

    I’m pleased to hear G.M.O.s are just as safe to eat as organic products, because my diet consists almost entirely of G.M.O.s. Before this blog, I was one of the people who assumed organic foods were healthier since they seem “fresher” and don’t undergo any genetic changes. I wonder if as this kind of reserach becomes more widely distributed if it will have any implications for farmers who pride themself on growing organic crops.

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