Brigette's Blog


Genetic Material: A Cure

Two posts ago I discussed RNA interference. I explained that changing the expression of RNAs within a plant will alter its production of proteins. This will change their morphological and physiological characteristics. In the long run this technique can be used by the agricultural industry to grow crops with specific characteristics and produce a more bountiful harvest.

Small RNAs also play a similar role in animals. Thousands of small RNAs (microRNAs) have been discovered in the cells of humans. These microRNAs are responsible for post-transcriptional genetic regulation (GEN). The diagram of the “Central Dogma” below explains this.

“Biology Genius”

The double stranded DNA molecule is separated and copied by the enzyme RNA polymerase, producing a strand of RNA. This is transcription. The strand of RNA provides the genetic codons for the production of proteins. This is translation.

miRNA is a post-transcriptional regulator because it interferes with process after transcription and before translation. The presence of miRNA stops translation, and therefore inhibits the production of certain proteins.

Scientists are in the midst of applying this concept to the development of new cancer treatment options, specifically pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer because it spreads quickly and is usually caught very late in progression (Medline Plus). Those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are given a meek prognosis. The average five year survival rate of a patient suffering from pancreatic cancer is only seven percent (Hirshberg Foundation).

However, this may soon change. A recent study shows promising results in using miRNA to kill pancreatic cancer cells.The scientists did this by manipulating the process of autophagy, which is Greek for “eating of self” (Medical News Daily).

Every single cell must be able to exchange gases, nutrients, and waste. Autophagy aids the cell in carrying out these processes. For example, autophagy will help the cell clear out waste or damaged biological material by degrading the components (Medical News Daily).

A professor at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital manipulated the process of autophagy in order to program the cell to kill itself. This was done with the help of the molecule miR506.

miR506 is a know tumor suppressor, meaning it is one of the many ways the human cell prevents uncontrolled cell growth. This small RNA molecule was used to target cancer cells and encourage autophagy in the population of mice used in the experiment (Medical News Daily).

The results were very satisfying, pointing to a brighter future for patients suffering from pancreatic cancer. First the small RNA, miR506, successfully put a stop to tumor growth in the experimental subjects. It then caused the cell to die via autophagy.

The use of miRNA to stop the progression of cancer can improve the treatment of pancreatic cancer immensely. Pancreatic cancer is such a devastating disease because it is often detected late. At this point the cancerous tumor has already metastasized to a point where even the most aggressive forms of cancer treatment will likely not be enough. The tumor will continue to metastasize until the patient reaches death.

However, miR506s ability to halt the growth of tumor cells can be applied to human medical care. Doctors can use the same concepts and principles to stop pancreatic tumors from progressing. In the long run, this treatment holds the potential to better the prognosis associated with cancer. The future for cancer treatment is looking much brighter.





Brigette Cannata • April 13, 2017

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  1. Dan April 17, 2017 - 4:48 am

    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most horrifying forms of cancer. When I saw the movie on Steve Jobs, I saw just how devastating it is. Hopefully, the use of miRNA and miR506 can help to improve the treatment of pancreatic cancer and cancer in general.

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