Brigette's Blog


Unit Two Assignment: Brainstorm

My favorite TED talk is by Barbara Netterson- Horowitz, titled “What Veterinarians Know That Physicians Don’t.”

This TED talk was actually part of one of my homework assignments, so I expected it to be one of the more boring ones. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I enjoyed this talk so much that I watched it three times in that one day. I found myself genuinely thinking about what she said, so I watched it again, and then I watched it again.

I mentioned this in one of my very first posts, but since 6th grade I’ve wanted to be a surgeon. I truly enjoy learning about medicine. (One of my most memorable experiences was working in a real, medical school anatomy lab for two days with 14 cadavers) I even keep a little journal where I write down medical terms I come across while watching TV or just on a day-to-day basis.

This is why I loved this talk, it was very medicine focused. Her main point, that physicians should refer to veterinarians and veterinarian resources when trying to treat their human patients, was something I honestly never thought of or heard of. I found this message truly thought provoking and eye opening.


Two possible paradigm shift ideas:

  1. Shift in the ideologies of American rape culture
  • More often than not, society used to blame the victim in rape cases for provoking the assault. I feel as if society has shifted with respect to forcing the rapist to face the consequences of his actions, thereby blaming the perpetrator. This shift can be a result of the growing feminist movement. I can use examples such as the Brock Turner case and statistics regarding the increase in reported rapes to support the existence of this paradigm shift. (The only issue I foresee with this topic is that society is still evolving in the way it handles rape)

2. Shift in fear of terrorism

  • Two things come to my mind when I think about an increased fear of terrorism: September 11th and ISIS. Using September 11th as a turning point in America’s focus on terrorism, I can use examples about increased military spending and increase airport security to support a shift in focus. ISIS today will demonstrate an even greater focus on terrorism, showing a substantial shift in anti-terrorist actions compared to the late 90’s.

Brigette Cannata • October 19, 2016

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  1. Charissa Skoutelas October 20, 2016 - 1:29 pm

    I think both of these topics are relevant to us in this current day and age and both will be interesting to research and present. If you choose the second topic, I think you could tie in a social perspective, as in analyzing what the implications of this shift in attitude have towards how America views the world. I would be excited to hear/read about either of these topics!

  2. Shelby Tencza October 20, 2016 - 1:35 pm

    I just watched this TED Talk for my bio lab! It was incredibly interesting and informative about the way different types of medicine correlate and connect to create new breakthroughs in both human and animal health. I also think both topics you chose would be extremely relevant to now. So many older people discuss how different the nation was prior to 9/11, so I think you could definitely find a lot of information on America’s shift to focus on terrorism.

  3. Irene Fishman October 20, 2016 - 1:48 pm

    Both are very important modern day issues. Think you will find tons of information regarding both these topics! Go for the one you feel like you would bwe able to present best.

  4. Jessica OHara October 20, 2016 - 1:53 pm

    I think the first one is interesting. Actually, you might even think of the evolution of the term “rape culture.”

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