Advocacy Project- Sex Ed

I want to advocate for better sexual education in schools. I plan on making a video about it, including interviews with people on campus about their respective high school’s extent of sexual education, and maybe an interview with some professionals  who can back up that better sex ed reduces teen pregnancy rates and STD transmission…

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ProtestPP is an organization dedicated to defunding Planned Parenthood, although no where on its website do they offer genuine means of doing this beyond vague instructions for a candlelight vigil and a few online flyers. They commit the straw man fallacy by calling Planned Parenthood a large abortion chain, launching into several paragraphs worth of…

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Persuasive Essay Focus

Birth control should become an over the counter drug. Thesis: In the process of turning birth control into an over the counter drug, we would increase contraceptive access for low-income and medically underserved populations, increase long term use, which in turn leads to long-term health benefits, reduce the rate of teen pregnancies, as well as…

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Deliberation Nation

On February 18th, we held our deliberation “Conditions for Admissions” in which we discussed three different types of admissions policies that Penn State could enact. On February 28th, I attended the deliberation “The Elephant and Donkey in the Room: Addressing the Electoral College” in which possible adjustments to the electoral college system were discussed. Both…

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In Class Deliberation Ideas

There is oftentimes the argument that in pushing too hard for diversity, we lose out on real “equality.” Or at least, that is the argument of Huffington Post in this case. In stark contrast, The Guardian argues that we must push harder for diversity to break the norms of the acting scene as well as…

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Thread Gucci recently came out with a balaclava sweater, which seems innocent enough at first. Upon closer inspection, many were outraged to find a distinct resemblance to blackface in the oversized red lips and literal black face covering. When this was pointed out on twitter, there was a resulting twitter conversation regarding the issue. The resulting…

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TED Talk Outline

Introduction: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a paleontologist. There was absolutely no reason why I couldn’t be one. I had this unwavering belief in myself and the future- and why shouldn’t I have had that? I had the whole world- hopefully a jurassic one- before me. As I grew up,…

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Paradigm Shift Outline

Intro Talk about sexual movements- shift in attitude towards women’s sexuality, homosexuality, pre-marital sexuality, and the freedom of sexual expression Thesis: Perhaps even more interesting than our ever-changing opinions on who can have sex and how, is the shift on our views on actually talking about it. While once being completely taboo to even mention, society has…

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Let’s Talk About Sex

For my paradigm shift essay and TED talk, I would love to analyze the destigmatization of talking about sex over the years in America. Sex was largely taboo to even mention since the early Puritanical days of America, and only recently was really discussed in public at all during the sexual revolution of the 1960s…

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