Peanut butter and JAM

In life, we never know what will happen next. We can make predictions and -to an extent- shape our future based on our choices and experiences; but still, the future is unknown. This uncertainty in life has plagued humans for centuries. In fact, it’s done so in such an extreme way that French philosopher Albert Camus came up with a theory called absurdism that states humans are lead to suffering through our unquenchable desire to find the meaning of life. Human’s most common fears: the dark, death, scary animals, can all be tied to fear of the unknown. Now this of course is a natural reaction to life as we are programmed in survival mode. However, with most of us living in a society where we don’t have to worry about which predators are about to attack us, we have new fears such as giving a speech or performing in front of a crowd of people.

How to Conquer Stage Fright
                                               Stage fright: Image source

Despite this human resistance to the unknown, some musical artists have not only faced this fear, but done so in front of other people. Killing two birds of fear with one stone. This can be seen through jam bands. When you look up “Jam” on the internet, you’ll often find something along the lines of ‘an informal session where musicians make up music over chord progressions without preparation’. While this definition is applicable to many jam situations and can be seen in PSU’s very own Jam club, some bands have built themselves up through the act of jamming. This makes jam something more than just an informal session as people pay money and travel to different places to see jam bands go on stage to make things up on the spot. It’s quite magnificent; the ability to observe someones creative process in the exact moment it is created.

This idea of creating music up on the spot is something that musicians have been doing for centuries. While improvisation can be seen in many different genres and around the world, one popular genre it’s found in is jazz where common practice is for musicians involved to take turns improvising on a song before going back to the main melody. Lovers and creators of the arts have found beauty in the unknown. As I first stated when I started this blog, the future can’t be predicted but can be informed by circumstance. The music created from a jam band performing on stage can’t be exactly predicted but through good communication between band members and a deep knowledge of music, jams have the ability to captivate an audience.

One modern band in particular has toured all around the U.S with their ability to jam. Their creativity and profound expression shines through their name: Pigeons Playing Ping Pong.

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong - OFFICIAL WEBSITE
             Pigeons “perspective” album cover: Image source

Pigeons playing Ping Pong (PPPP) is a 2009 funk jam band from Baltimore, Maryland. They draw heavily on the style and musicality of The Grateful Dead. Having been to at least 3 PPPP shows, I can confidently say they take “jam” to a entrancing level. Though they are a jam band and draw heavily on improvisation, their seeming ability to read each others minds on stage as they switch from one beat to another is fascinating as well as shocking. They are known for their tendencies during live shows to build up tension taking the audience to another world, just before completely changing the vibe. It’s as if the music lifts you off the ground, flies you around and then all at once throws you back down where you land right on your feet. The clip below showcases PPPP’s 2022 New Haven, CT performance. Around minute 2:30 they go into one of their notorious jams highlighted through the lead guitarists Jeremy’s riffs. Another jam can be seen at minute 9:00. If you listen a bit past 9:55, you will experience one of their magical vibe changes. Jamming all the way up to a little past minute 12:00, another magnificent vibe change takes place.

This video highlights some of the reasons why this is one of my top favorite bands. They harness creativity, expression, and collaboration in an inspiring way.

In life, it’s hard to be certain of anything. While this can be an overwhelming feeling, try using your creativity to embrace and explore the unknown rather than fear it. Furthermore, If you are a musician, enjoy listening to music, or are just a curious person in general, consider checking out Penn states jam club to see how the students on campus release their musical creativity in the form of jam!

One thought on “Peanut butter and JAM

  1. Hi Carolyn! I’m not sure why I haven’t left a reply to your blog posts before because I’ve read a few of them and I have to say I really like the way you start with a more philosophical approach in your writing and tie it to the background and genre of music you are discussing. I like that you discuss Jam and Jazz in this post and I didn’t know that improvisation was such an integral element, I think that makes the music even more impressive. Music in my opinion is the closest thing we have to magic in this world and I’m glad to see someone discuss this so thoroughly for their passion blog. I myself am a fan of The Grateful Dead so I will be checking out “PPP.” I will also check out PSU’s Jam Club, I didn’t even know we had one. Great post!

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