A peek into childhoods musical gate

This is gonna be a fun one. While working on my “This I Believe” speech for class, I thought a lot about my younger self. Of course when I think about my past, it’s inevitable that at some point I’ll start thinking about music. Before I get into that though, there needs to be some context setting. When I was about 4 years old I told my whole family to start calling me Kakki. I don’t think a single soul on this earth knows why. But that’s what I was called for the better half of my childhood. The name was still my calling when my mom -per my request- created a youtube channel to post me, for my singing performance career of course. 

In my first blog post I touch briefly on this youtube channel as well as my inclination to sing out the window with the idea a producer would hear me and think my voice was too fabulous to pass up. In this post I’m going to dive a bit deeper into this past self. 

My stage name was “Kookie Kakki”. If you were to try and search this name up on youtube, you probably wouldn’t find it because the actual channel is under a random name my mom created. If you were to look it up you would see videos of my sisters when they were young, my old guinea pig, my old cat, and maybe even some videos of the chicks we used to hatch. However, a good chunk of the videos consist of Kakki’s musical shenanigans. This youtube channel showcases a lot of my own childhood experiences. For one it shows something I used to do with my mom where I would draw a face on my chin and sing. You’ve probably seen it done before, especially if you’ve ever watched “The Amazing World of Gumball” and are aware of the character Sussie. 

Am I the only person on Earth that didn't know that Susie from The amazing world of Gumball is actually a person's chin?
Sussie from “The Amazing World of Gumball”: Image source

My chin character however, was named… drumroll please… Chinny. Clever huh? I/Chinny sang the song “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepson as it was very popular back in the day. I continue singing it until my voice cracks and I can’t help but burst out into laughter.

I’m starting to question why I thought it was a good idea to expose my self like this but we’re in too deep. There’s no turning back now. Anyway there are all sorts of singing, dances, and silly clips of little me. I think one of my favorites though is when I’m probably about 7 singing my heart out in “Payphone” by Maroon 5. Even more questionable then the way my hair is curled, is the sound of my dad doing a punching bag workout in the background.

To sum up, my passion for performing and singing has lived within me since before I can remember. I’d like to say my singing has improved since then but if you want to see for yourself, listen to Melvin Walker and Jam Ease on all music platforms. Yes, this whole post was just about me promoting my bands. Just kidding…

One thought on “A peek into childhoods musical gate

  1. Hi Carolyn,

    This was such a nostalgic post. I can really sense the passion you have for singing through this post. I find it very interesting how your passion for music not only started at a very young age, but you also continued to foster it constantly, putting effort into making YouTube videos. The dedication to music is something that I see throughout your posts.
    -Akshaya Shyamsundar

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