Turn Up The Gain

Imagine this: You’re in the gym, you have one more set to do before you’re done. In finishing the last set you pick up those weights and the sweat falls. As the sweat falls, you struggle to lift your weights; you’re getting tired. Just as your tiredness begins to take over, BAM the beat drops […]

Music is not just noise… or maybe it is?

What defines something as music? In this moment, take a pause, and think of some words that come to mind when you consider this question… Perhaps you thought up words regarding our perception of music: rhythm, timbre, pitch. Maybe you thought of words surrounding the physics of music: frequency, amplitude, waves. Some words may have […]

A life Taken by Music

Despite the name, this first blog post is not about being murdered by music (RIP Branch’s grandma from Trolls). Nor is it about Musicophilia, a term coined by Oliver Sacks in his book Musicophilia to describe the curious case where physical trauma results in a life-changing musical obsession. An example, portrayed in Sack’s book, is […]